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dannal boy.李敖:爱尔兰民歌《丹尼少年》(Danny Boy),是我生平最喜欢的一首歌。哦,Danny Boy, 我如此爱你,等你徘徊。But come ye back when summer''s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley''s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshi...
中英文笑话对照中英笑话对照一.The Doctor Knows Better.谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀吗?But after that, a lot of people stopped, looked at the clock and then asked Dan, "Is that clock right?" 愚蠢的问题。The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than you...
Buy one get one free.在美国开车很不同, 就是在由红灯变绿灯时, 如果有左转灯的话, 它是会先变成左转灯的, 所以是由左转车先走. (在台湾是直行灯亮完之后才换左转灯 ) 所以也没有什么绿灯待转这回事. 请勿耍宝. 但是如果没有左转灯的话, 则还是一样由直行车走完之后才换左转车.Ten dollars rebate and ten dollars cash back.
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