荔子88 IP属地:美国

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Agnes 爱葛妮丝 希腊,拉丁 纯洁,高雅,贞节。Annabelle 安娜贝儿 希伯来,拉丁 美丽的女子;Antonia 安东妮儿 拉丁,希腊 无辞以赞,受尊崇的人。Elliot 伊里亚德 法国,希伯来 虔诚信仰上帝的人。Elsie 艾西 希伯来,希腊 上帝的誓约,诚实的。Miles 麦尔斯 德国,拉丁,希腊 战士;Grace 葛瑞丝 英国,法国,拉丁 优雅的。Joanne 希伯来 希...
100句脱口而出的英语句子,学习了!◆◆@疯狂轻松背单词 女孩要记住,100句脱口而出的英语句子。说一口流利的英文,收了它吧!(转)
The advantages of harmonious relations far outweigh the disadvantages of confrontation.和谐关系的好处远远大于冲突的坏处。Owning a car might be preferable to owning a bicycle, but the problems associated with owning the former far outweigh those of the latter.The advantages of family planning more than compensate for t...
高中英语英语作文万能句型。英语考试外大家最头痛的可能是英语作文了吧,如何写出质质较高的英语作文呢?无没无可供借鉴的句型来套用?现在我告诉你,对于高外英语作文而言,是无常用句型套用的,只要你控制了这些英语常用句型,就能组合出一篇质质上佳的英语作文了。1. 经典句型:更多经典句型:所以不妨试用下面的句型:为了能写出更佳的英语...
出国实用会话unit 1-15出国实用会话unit 1-15unit 1 Change My Seat W: Excuse me, Sir, you are not supposed to smoke here.I''ll take this room.We delivered four bags to room 1106,you friend''s room about an hour ago.M:I''m afraid we have nobody available at the moment.W:Then I''ll come do...
The world that today’s Harvard’s graduates are entering is a profoundly different one than the world administrators entered.It is a world where opportunities have never been greater for those who know how to teach children to read, or those who know how to distribute financial risk;哈佛在大学中间,鹤立鸡群。(6月30日...
再访美国(10)——世界真小(中文内容在后)Yesterday afternoon I paid a visit to a Chinese family in the neighborhood where my son lived.She would be pleased to be visited when her parents were with her family here.It was more astonishing that her parents-in-law lived only one block away from the place where I used to ...
人性的枷锁(5) 花飞湮灭X年X月X日晴。评心而论,他要去的单位各方面条件都比我们所里好,他的父母,亲人,朋友,同学又都在那里,而且还是省城。但与其悲悲切切的等死,还不如多做一些有意义的事,潇潇洒洒地活到生命的结束呢!从生命的意义上讲,永恒不属于人类!现在我才真正地明白,在他的身上,我寄望的东西是什么: 人性的自由,人与人相互...
You are unique and one of a kind.Your life can be what you want it to be .Take the days just one at a time.The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.Don''t take things too seriously!Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.Remember that a little love goes a long way...Remember that a lot ...g...
Could you take a picture for me?Don‘t get me wrong. 别误会我。Don‘t let me down. 别让我失望。Have you got that?How long will it take me to get there?I hope you‘ll forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。I‘ll take care of it. 我来办这件事。Let me get back to you. 我过一会儿打给你吧。Let me guess. 让我猜一猜。Let me put it th...
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