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in.eof() ){ in.read((char *)&mywh,sizeof(mywh));sprintf(_date,"%d-%d-%d", ptm->tm_year+1900,ptm->tm_mon + 1,ptm->tm_mday);sprintf(_time,"%d:%d:%d", ptm->tm_hour,ptm->tm_min,ptm->tm_sec);cout<<_date<<'' ''<<_time<<'' ''<...
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中金所再抑期指投机 或限制日开仓量至300手中金所再抑期指投机 或限制日开仓量至300手。"一位期货私募向记者表示,"我也听说有一些以前做权证、炒商品期货的人在股指期货上使用高频交易,但资金量不是很多。而前述接近中金所人士透露,中金所对此前市场上的高频交易进行了检查,发现了一些涉嫌通过高频交易进行违规操作的行为,但都...
InfiniDB: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly :: Tholis ConsultingInfiniDB: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly2010-04-26 11:40.Then invoke the script /usr/local/Calpont/bin/install-infinidb.sh, and configure the InfiniDB Aliases with . /usr/local/Calpont/bin/calpontAliasand you''re good to go.There''s actually...
There are many kinds of algorithms, tactics and strategies of algorithmic trading.VWAP algorithm (Volume Weighted Average Price) AMEX, BOE (Boston Options Exchange), CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), ISE (International Securities Exchange), NYSE Arca, NASDAQ OMX PHLX - exchanges MiFID (Markets in Financial Instru...
If you acquired the shares in an online trading account at another brokerage firm, and transferred the shares to this Fidelity account, the date acquired is the date Fidelity received the shares.If you acquired the shares in an online trading account at another brokerage, and transferred the shares to this Fidelity ac...
CurrentThe current amount of cash or securities with a market value of a specific amount that you must deposit into your account tocover a margin or day trade call.Investments styles for fixed-income securities include short-term government, intermediate-term government, long-term government, short-term bond, intermed...
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