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宇宙竟然只是一个幻象,所谓一即一切,一切即一.科学证实佛家“幻海”说:宇宙只是一个幻象,世界是意识的投影 ,一个巨大全像摄影相片。例如,伦敦大学的物理学家David Bohm(戴维.鲍姆)相信Aspect的发现是意味着客观现实并不存在,尽管宇宙看起来具体而坚实,其实宇宙只是一个幻象,一个巨大而细节丰富的全像摄影相片(Hologram)。Bohm(鲍姆...
David Bohm Society: Implicate OrderThe Implicate Order.Bohm’s notion of the implicate order is one of his most important contributions which was not separate from the rest of his work. Let us start with one of Bohm’s own introductions to the subject from The Undivided Universe by David Bohm (coauthored with Basil Hi...
David Bohm Society: Proprioception of ThoughtProprioception of Thought.Thought lacks proprioception just as the emotions lacks proprioception of their effect on thought.Proprioception is to be aware of every movement.With thought we don''''''''t have it but in some sense, thought is als...
So the experiment the pan-European team planned involved comparing inhibition of basophil aIgE-induced degranulation with "ghost" dilutions of histamine against control solutions of pure water.Three of the four labs involved in the trial reported a statistically significant inhibition of the basophil degranu...
Thanks for the memory | Science | The GuardianThanks for the memoryExperiments have backed what was once a scientific ''''''''heresy'''''''', says Lionel Milgrom.So the experiment the pan-European team planned involved comparing inhibition of basophil aIg...
科学网。许培扬 诺贝尔物理学奖得主布赖恩·约瑟夫森研究“特异功能”超心理学(Parapsychology)研究文献1116篇分布如下。转载本文请联系原作者获取授权,同时请注明本文来自许培扬科学网博客。
锋友分享:如何开启 Mac 系统自带清理功能。在说到 Mac 设备的清理工具时,我们都会想到 CleanMyMac,事实上 macOS Sierra 操作系统中也配有清理功能。而在说到 Mac 设备的清理工具时,我们都会想到 CleanMyMac 这款软件,但其实苹果在 macOS Sierra 操作系统中也配备有清理功能。目前,iPhone 7 的起步容量已经达到了 32GB,因此 iPhone 的备...
相信很多Mac用户都收到过“磁盘几乎已满”消息,尤其是采用SSD固态硬盘的Macbook系列,120G的硬盘空间本就捉襟见肘,使用一段时间后,Mac的磁盘很快就满了。虽然我们很少重启 Mac 电脑,但是我还是要指出,重新启动 Mac 电脑可以释放出可观的磁盘可用空间。废纸篓经过一段时间的「成长」便会不断「壮大」,有时 Mac 电脑的硬盘驱动器磁盘空间不...
尽管相较于Windows阵营,Mac OS在系统优化方面更加出色,但是Mac同样也会遇到用久了就变得缓慢卡顿的情况。Mac OS颜值高的重要原因就是很多元素采取了透明设计,比如在Dock栏下方仍然可以看到其他窗口,但这对于图形处理能力不足的老款Mac来说其实反倒成了累赘,所以你可以选择在辅助功能的显示器选项中选择减少透明度以提高系统流畅度。Mac OS...
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