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例如,我们想把前一步从内核源码树 usr目录下拷贝的initramfs_data.cpio.gz 展开到~/initramfs-test/initramfs_data目录下,则使用下列命令: mkdir ~/initramfs-test/initramfs_data cd ~/initramfs-test/initramfs_data cpio -i -F ../initramfs_data.cpio.gz --no-absolute-filename 命令执行完毕后,initramfs_data目录下出现多个目录和文...
怎样编写Makefile文件 - Moose W. Oler的日志 - 网易博客怎样编写Makefile文件。SRCS=printenv.c OBJS=printenv.o SHAR=shar MANDIR=/usr/man/manl/printenv.l BINDIR=/usr/local/bin DEPEND= makedepend $(CFLAGS)lint: $(SRCS) lint $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS)3.11 隐式规则Makefile Implicit Rules假设有如下rule:Consider the rule we used for pr...
iptr = (int *)dlsym(handle, "int_object");All objects loaded automatically as a result ofinvoking dlopen( ) on the referenced object are also closed. handle is theinvoking dlopen( ) on the referenced object are also closed. handle is thevalue returned by a previous invocation of dlopen( ).Objects loaded by o...
} /* mytool1.h */ #ifndef _MYTOOL_1_H #define _MYTOOL_1_H void mytool1_print(char *print_str);gcc -c main.c gcc -c mytool1.c gcc -c mytool2.c gcc -o main main.o mytool1.o mytool2.o.main:main.o mytool1.o mytool2.o gcc -o main main.o mytool1.o mytool2.o main.o:main.c mytool1.h mytool2.h gcc -c main.c mytool1.o:mytoo...
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