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In their 2010 study, they found that day-to-day happiness rises as people earn more money, but once they hit $75,000 a year, they don''t get any happier.Wolfers''s and Stevenson''s study speaks to the latter kind of happiness, where fulfillment is infinite so long as your income rises.Though Am...
Picking nose,biting nails:Bad habits eventually bring you benefits 爱挖鼻孔咬指甲:那些对你有好处的坏习惯!Picking your nose: Scott Napper, associate professor of biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan, believes eating mucus in the nose may boost the immune system by introducing small and harmless amounts of g...
7 Ways That Everyone Should Invest Their Time 7招教你如何有效利用时间。Skills – Investing in you is always a good use of your time. What new skills do you need to learn? Being a life-long learning is key to future success. Always be investing time in new skills and capabilities.Time Makes a Good Investment.You can fr...
McDonald''s hamburger looks the same after 14 years 长生汉堡:麦当劳汉堡放14年一点没变。一个美国人近日展示了自己14年前买的一个麦当劳汉堡,这个汉堡和当初他买的时候一模一样。来自美国犹他州的戴维?惠普尔起初打算把汉堡放上两个月,目的是到时候让朋友们看看防腐剂是如何让汉堡保持外观的。然而,他无意中把汉堡在口袋里放了...
Urban trance 重压下的“城市迷走症”Urban trance重压下的“城市迷走症”Urban trance describes the situation where people living in fast-paced cities may find themselves forgetting to press the button for their floor in an elevator or missing their subway stop because they are under great pressure or are too preoccupied ...
夜猫子VS.早起鸟:职场前景谁更好。Accomplishing things in the morning sets off a "cascade of success," says Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, and a "night owl" who "consciously changed my morning habits so I could get up earlier." He now starts his days by writing down three ...
Chew, chew, chew, chew.Talk to the people you’re eating with, and let your body and mind catch up with your food intake.By applying any combination of the tips(preferably all of them) you take control of your eating habits, and when you take control, great things happen.Eating healthy or maintaining a diet requires s...
dreams.Dreams don’t. Want to change your life? Your job? Your status in life? Goals can do that. A good friend of mine made six-figures on the ebook he published. He did that. Had it stayed as a dream, his life would have been as it always was.Dreams don’t. Dreams can be drifting, ever-changing thoughts. Goals must ...
Next, next, next!When people can browse potential dates online like items in a catalog, geo-locate hook-ups on an exercise bike just seven feet away, arrange a spontaneous group date with the app Grouper or arrange a bevy of blind dates in succession with Crazy Blind Date, it makes me wonder if all this newfound techn...
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