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But little by little,as you left their voices behind,the stars began to burnthrough the sheets of cloudsand there was a new voicewhich you slowlyrecognized as your own,that kept you companyas you strode deeper and deeperinto the world,determined to dothe only thing you could do--determined to savethe only life you cou...
Failure is not good.You can''''''''t learn anything from failure because don''''''''t forget that every single moment in your past has added up to that one moment in your present - where you are lying on the floor moaning your painful and abysmal failure....
英语美文Love is meant to be failed!爱总是被辜负。Why love is meant to be failed?There are also others love in our life which never fails.Have you ever heard about our love with parents is failed or love with friends or sibling failed.No, this kind of love never gets failed because we give them their quality of time bu...
Take care of yourself.If you don’t take good care of yourself, then you can’t take good care of others either; which is why taking care of yourself is the best selfish thing you can do. 你和自己最亲近,是你所有关系中的重心。Successful people keep moving, by doing small things every day that bring them a couple step...
跟apple有什么关系?菠萝的英文是pineapple,然而它既不和pine tree(松树)相关,又不和apple(苹果)相关,那这个水果的英文名是怎么来的呢?那时apple除了指“苹果”外,还指类似苹果的果实。如今不少果实的英语单词中都含有apple这一成分,如crab apple(山楂)、love apple(番茄)、custard apple(番荔枝)等。欧洲人那时看菠萝外表像松果一样粗糙...
英语点津:“芝麻开门”用英语怎么说?大家都知道“芝麻开门”吧,这是阿拉伯故事《一千零一夜》中《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》中的魔法咒语。芝麻关门可以用来关掉藏宝山洞的洞口。“芝麻开门”的英语就是open sesame,英语释义是“something that makes it very easy to achieve a particular thing”,形容(达到…Academic success is not always...
双语阅读:科学家找到友谊小船说翻就翻的真正原因!研究还证明,恋爱也会让友谊的小船翻船,与恋人分手会让你失去一些朋友,但开始新的恋情则会让你失去更多的朋友。In fact, entering a relationship is the third biggest cause of losing friends – the top two being moving away to a new city and simply drifting apart. Thirty per ce...
英语点津:“没经验”难道是I have no experience??那么,“没经验”用英语要怎么说?有的小伙伴可能会想,这还不简单!不就是I have no experience嘛!虽然这么说也没错,但其实老外很少这么说。比较地道的说法是I am still a green hand(我还是个新手)。Green hand在这里可不是“绿色的手”,而是表示“生手”、“没有经验的人”,green本身就...
双语新闻:为提高生育率 日本拟资助人工智能“红娘”为了提高本国的生育率,日本政府可谓是绞尽脑汁。为了提高不断下滑的生育率,日本计划资助人工智能婚恋配对项目来帮助居民找到真爱。从明年起,日本政府将补贴那些已经在运营或刚刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府。一名内阁官员告诉法新社说:“我们计划重点向运营或刚启动人工智能婚恋...
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