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On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”.(ID: 文章稿号).Thanks very much for your kind work and considera...
史上最全SCI写作句型模板 3 —— Conclusion.Future work:· Future investigations are necessary to validate the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from this study.· Interesting research questions for future research that can be derived from __· In future research, more research is needed to apply and te...
史上最全SCI写作句型模板 2 —— Results &Discussion.· Overall, our method was the one that obtained the most robust results.· The result is equal to or better than a result that is currently accepted.· Here we compare the results of the proposed method with those of the traditional methods.· One...
· One way to overcome these problems is to __· There are many alternative methods are available for solving these problems.· One approach to solve this problem involves the use of __· One way to overcome this problem is to __· Recent methods focus on overcoming the problems by proposing differ...
一个发表过13篇Science和Nature文章的老外的建议。近日,有朋友有文章拟投Science,需要找专业人士修改写作和英语语言,我找了一个发表过13篇Science和Nature文章的老外 (文章被引次数2.4万次),求教如何写作Science和Nature文章。下面附上该教授给我的回复,供大家写作Science和Nature文章时参考,相信很有参考价值。> Paragraphs 3-5: Pre...
SCI论文中常见的句型模板「上」每篇SCI论文,除了对论文主要内容的特定描述外,有很大一部分表达你在不同的论文中都能看到。节选文章:《A study of strain-rate effect and fiber reinforcement effect on dynamic behavior of steel fiber-reinforced concrete》;节选文章:《Management of the gas-phase and surface chemistry in methane...
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