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A deeper understanding of cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.People say that sharing between cultures is supposed to help us learn, but cultural appr...
Mark Manney Bio (Abscondo Now)I Am by Infobeing is a decentralized community of conscious people coming together to unleash our human potential by freely connecting, doing things together, and even exchanging and storing value in this virtual economy.If you trust me as a friend and a brother, then together I know we c...
Whenever we talk of concepts like social classes, we do so only in terms of wealth or income. The upper class is rich, the middle class lives comfortably but struggles, and the poor live in hopeless squalor. But is there any meaning or purpose to such analysis?
Gallup''''''''s last analysis showed that 3% of Americans identified themselves as upper class, 15% as upper-middle class, 43% as middle class, 30% as working class and 8% as lower class -- with noted changes in these self-categorizations over time.Identification as lower class drops ra...
Peering into the Future: Will We Live in a ThreePeering into the Future: Will We Live in a Three-Tier Society?10.7 Discuss the possibility that we are developing a three-tier society.A three-tier society seems to be looming over us.→ Do you think the three-tier society is our likely destiny? Why or why not?→ What d...
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