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《One Way Ticket》笛声把人催, 已经把泪撒,回首道别了, 火车就要开,呜……人间那有不散的宴席,没有别离,那会有相聚,沉痛再见了,火车就要开, ***住悲哀,祝你顺风去, 在那未来的,康庄大道, 就在前面等待着你,别了爱人我为你祈祷, 虽然此去天涯路遥,火车笛声啸, 我心哭泣了,别把我忘掉, 别让我心焦,呜……
lonely nana lyrics.I am lonely lonely lonely?I am lonely lonely in my life?
Highway to Hell (地狱之路)I''m on the highway to hell.On the highway to hell.Highway to hell.Nobody''s gonna slow me down.Nobody''s gonna mess me around.On the highway to.我行进在地狱之路上。在这地狱之路上。地狱之路。
what a wonderful world.I see trees of green.Red roses too.I see them bloom.For me and you.And I think to myself.What a wonderful world.I see skies of blue.I see friends shaking hands.Saying how do you do.They''re really saying.They''ll learn much more.Than I''ll ever know.Yes, I think to myself...
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