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托福tpo29阅读第1篇Characteristics of Roman Pottery题目解析However, it is impossible to do justice to Roman wares on the page, even when words can by be backed up photographs and drawingbe backed up 补充。
托福tpo30阅读第3篇The Invention of the Mechanical Clock题目解析。Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature’ s time.Once known, it spread rapidly, driving out water clocks but not solar dials, which ...
托福tpo33阅读第1篇The First Civilizations题目解析。
托福tpo30阅读第2篇The Pace of Evolutionary Change题目解析Similar exhaustive studies are required exhaustive studies 详尽的研究 a situation that seems to be at odds with Darwin'''''''' s model of continuous changeat odds with 与。。
TPO 31 conversation 2The mail carrier dropped it off a few minutes ago mail carrier 邮递员since our office was supposed to get this straightened out for you before then…
托福tpo34阅读第2篇The Development of Steam Power题目解析。in the smelting of pig iron 在生铁冶炼中。was drawn to a critical study 被吸引到一项批判性的研究中。primary source =main source。
托福tpo34阅读第1篇Islamic Art and The Book题目解析。This (in turn )allowed the easy transfer of artistic ideas and motifs (1)over great distances from one medium to another, (2)and in a different scale in ways that had been difficult, (if not impossible, )in the previous period.Some of the most luxurious books...
托福tpo31听力lecture1 Music In Ancient Greece原文解析 翻译音频He thinks that breaking with tradition leads to all sorts of social problems, serious problems, even the breakdown of the fabric of society.fabric n.构造That means the kind of music that builds the kind of character a good citizen or a future leader would n...
Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populationsmate with 交配great spans of time=a long period of timeSo even under normal situations the gene flow among the subpopulations is more of an intermitten trickle than a steady streamWe find evidence of such extended events in the fossil record, which affords glimpse into ...
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