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三只小猪学英语第61集:三只小猪名扬四海的故事   The three little pig are famous not only in China but also all over the world.三只小猪不仅在中国有名,在全世界也非常有名。The second little pig is famous all over the world because of his hospital for children, his hospital for animals and his hospital for old people.T...
三只小猪学英语第59集:三只小猪希望小学   One morning a little girl comes into Three Little Pigs Restaurant. A waitress says to her: "Sit Down, please!" "Thank you. I wish to talk with your manager. May I see your manager? "They find 55 children working in restaurants. 这件事引起来Education TV...
三只小猪学英语第58集:英语卡拉OK大奖赛决赛   在Education TV English卡拉OK Competition的初赛中, little dog, little duck and little tiger get first prize, little panda, little bear, Li Xiaowei,little lion, little wolf, little fox and little rabbit get second prize, so they all进入了决赛。
"Beautiful, 太美了,Now let''''''''s see what our judges think. 让我们来看看我们的评委是怎么想的。Professor Wu, 88 points; Professor Lin, 86 points; Professor Yang, 85 points; Professor Li, 84 points; Professor Zhang, 85 points; and Professor Wang, 83 points. 去掉一个最高分88,去掉...
The next morning, the rich man醒过来,but he cannot find Dabao. He asks his friends to go out to find Dabao. They go out to look for Dabao everyday. But they cannot find him. One day, Dabao comes back.他朝着rich man汪汪地叫着。接着,the rich man says to Dabao, "Thank you, Dabao, you are a good and clever dog. You...
He stands up and answers, "Thirty plus thirty is sixty." "Good job! Please give him ten points. Congratulations, little bear, Now,question NO. 2, What is one hundred minus thirty?" This time, little fox is the first to按抢答键. He stands up and answers,"One hundred minus thirty is seventy.&quo...
三只小猪学英语第54集:小熊旷课   One morning, Wang Dawei is teaching English to the little animals. He cannot find Little Bear in the classroom. 他开始着急起来,beacause最近 Little Bear上课不太专心,homework也不认真完成。小熊感到很奇怪,他问,“老奶奶,你在做什么啊?” 老奶奶说,我想把这根铁棒磨成一根针。
Young wolf and very young wolf在南山路口离big tree大约有one hundred metres一块big stone后面埋伏好。Young wolf说,“Do you really have a panda? 你是真的有一只熊猫吗? Ok, if your panda is very clever, strong and beautiful, 如果你的熊猫聪明,健壮,漂亮,I can buy the panda, 我可以把那熊猫买下来。至于money嘛,咱们好商量...
三只小猪学英语第52集:小熊猫被绑架了   There is a little panda in the kindergarten for animals. All the other animals like him very much. They hear only China has pandas, and there are not many pandas in China. That is why pandas are国家重点保护动物。Black Cat a police dog 早就Get there. Mr. Black Cat asks little p...
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