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<7> log buffer space 日志缓冲空间 (写REDO慢-----增大log_buffer,redo log file放到快速磁盘上) 当日志缓冲(log buffer)写入重做日志(redo log)的速度比LGWR 的写入速度慢,或者是当日志转换(log switch)太慢时,就会发生这种等待。大多数latch 问题都与以下操作相关:不能使用邦定变量(库缓存latch)、重复生成问题(重复分配latch)...
关于library cache pin,Oracle是这样说的:Library Cache Pins are used to manage library cache concurrency.Pinning an object causes the heaps to be loaded into memory (if notalready loaded).PINS can be acquired in NULL,SHARE or EXCLUSIVE modes and canben considered like a special form of lock.A wait for a "library ...
造成数据库性能下降或挂起的原因很多,”library cache pin”等待是其中之一.当数据库性能严重下降或挂起时,我们通过查询v$session_wait,发现大量的”library cache pin”等待,查询的SQL语句如下:那么什么是”library cache pin”等待呢? “library cache pin” 事件是用来管理library cache的并发访问的, pin一个object会引起相应的heap被载入...
buffer busy waits你误解了吗?我想之所以有误解,是因为10G以前,把一个等待事件read by other session也划入到了buffer busy waits里,read by other session的意思是,多个session并发请求相同的数据块,但因该数据块不在buffer_cache中而必须从磁盘读取,处理这种情况,oracle会只让其中一个sesion进行磁盘读取,此时其它session等待块从磁...
常见的空闲事件~~~~~~~~~~~~? dispatcher timer? lock element cleanup? Null event? parallel query dequeue wait? parallel query idle wait - Slaves? pipe get? PL/SQL lock timer? pmon timer- pmon? rdbms ipc message? slave wait? smon timer? SQL*Net break/reset to client? SQL*Net message from client? SQL*Net message to client...
Reduce the Block Size – this is very similar to adjusting the PCTFREE and PCTUSED parameters in that the goal is to reduce the amount of data stored within one block. In Oracle 9i and higher this can be achieved by storing the hot object in a tablespace with a smaller block size. In databases prior to Oracle 9i the e...
buffer busy waits你误解了吗?我想之所以有误解,是因为10G以前,把一个等待事件read by other session也划入到了buffer busy waits里,read by other session的意思是,多个session并发请求相同的数据块,但因该数据块不在buffer_cache中而必须从磁盘读取,处理这种情况,oracle会只让其中一个sesion进行磁盘读取,此时其它session等待块从磁...
1. log file switch(日志文件切换):log file switch当日志文件发生切换时出现,在数据库进行日志切换后,后台进程LGWR需要关闭当前日志组,切换并打开下一个日志组,在这个切换过程中,数据库的所有DML操作都处于停顿状态,直至这个切换完成。可以通过如下公式计算平均redo写大小:avg.redo writ size = (redo block written/redo writes)*5...
db_files参数的缺省值为200:sys@CCDB> show parameter db_filesNAME TYPE VALUE------------- -------------- -----------db_files integer 200sys@CCDB> select file#,name from v$tempfile; FILE# NAME---------- --------------------------------------------- 1 /oracle/oradata/ccdb/ccdb/temp01.dbf所...
db file scattered read 等待事件db file scattered read 等待事件:我们经常会见到db file scattered read 等待事件,在生产环境中,这个等待事件可能更为常见。查找Fast Full Index扫描的SQL语句可以参考如下语句:select sql_text from v$sqltext t, v$sql_plan p where t.hash_value = p.hash_value and p.operation = ''INDEX...
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