似曾相识2017 IP属地:山东

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A man from the state of Chu wanted to sell a precious pearl in the state of Zheng.他用木兰为珍珠作了个匣子,用香料把匣子熏香,还用珠,玉,红宝石来加以装饰,并插上了翠鸟的羽毛。A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl.This man from Chu certainly knew how to sell a casket but he was no g...
双语故事:错过的祝福A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer''''''''s showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.从前,有位年轻人即将大学生毕业。His father tol...
“啊,不舒服极了!”公主说,“我差不多整夜没合上眼!天晓得我床上有件什么东西?我睡到一块很硬的东西上面,弄得我全身发青发紫,这真怕人!”Now it was plain that the lady must be a real Princess, since she had been able to feel the three little peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. None but a real Pr...
隐藏的金子There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard(果园) .He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised(轻视,看不起) the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.    从前有一个农民,他有一座漂亮的橄榄园。
In the Warring States Period (战国), the State of Zhao (赵国) had a famous general called Zhao She, whose son, Zhao Kuo, was very fond of reading books on military science and discussing strategy.When the State of Qin attacked the State of Zhao, the ruler of Zhao ordered Zhao Kuo to lead 400,000 men to resist the att...
寓言故事 丘比特和绵羊。Jupiter and the sheep 丘比特和绵羊。"O, no! "exclaimed the Sheep, "I will have nothing in common with the beasts of prey."“噢,不!”绵羊惊叫道,“我不愿意和掠食的野兽有任何相同之处。”"Alas!" replied the Sheep, "the poisonous snakes are so sadly detested.&quo...
Creative well has dried up.英文中与“江郎才尽”意义相近的表达是“The well of inspiration has dried up.”这是一个很有趣的表达方式,也很形象,就是说“灵感的源泉干涸了”(“well”有“井”的意思),也可以说“Creative well has dried up.”两个表达方式是一样的,所以当你想说自己没有才思了,有点江郎才尽的感觉的时候,就可以说“My...
Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who kept several sheep.从前有个人,养了几只羊。It turned out that, during the night, a wolf had stolen his sheep through a hole in the sheep pen.一天早上,他发现少了一只羊。But the shepherd said: "The sheep is already lost, so I don''t need to repair it." And so...
滥竽充数be there just to make up the number/pretend to be an expert滥竽充数During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), the King of the State of Qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles. He often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music.战国时,齐宣王喜欢听竽,通常是三百人的大合奏。Whenever the band pl...
If you wish good advice, consult an old man 老马识途 If you wish good advice, consult an old man 老马识途In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led an army to attack a small state in the north.春秋时代,齐桓公出征攻打北方一个小国。While everybody was worrying, Guan Zhong, the duke''s chief minister, ...
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