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Round 23- ch 3 (counts as first dc), FPdc around next FPdc, sc in next ch-1 space, [ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space] 9 times, FPdc around next FPdc, ★ dc in next dc, FPdc around next FPdc, sc in next ch-1 space, [ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space] 9 times, FPdc around next FPdc, repeat from ★ around, slip st to third ch of fi...
Round 23- ch 3 (counts as first dc), FPdc around next FPdc, sc in next ch-1 space, [ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space] 9 times, FPdc around next FPdc, ★ dc in next dc, FPdc around next FPdc, sc in next ch-1 space, [ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space] 9 times, FPdc around next FPdc, repeat from ★ around, slip st to third ch of fi...
Round 13- ch 3 (counts as first dc), FPdc twice around next FPdc, sc in next ch-1 space, [ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space] twice, FPdc twice around next FPdc, ★ dc in next dc, FPdc twice around next FPdc, sc in next ch-1 space, [ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space] twice, FPdc twice around next FPdc, repeat from ★ around, slip ...
Round 2- ch 4 (counts as first dc and ch-1 space), [dc in next dc, ch 1] around, slip st to third ch of first dc. (16 dc, 16 ch-1 spaces)Round 6- ch 6 (counts as first dc and ch-3 space), ★ [dc, ch 3] twice in center ch of next ch-5 space, skip next 5 sts, repeat from ★ around, dc in same st as first dc, ch 1, hdc i...
郁金香开大会,你猜来了几位?郁金香开会了。今天送给大家的,也是日积月累的结果,一组郁金香作品,哪怕只看上一两款,也够大家忙活两天的了。郁金香开会了,你猜来了几位?02优美而大气的郁金香桌布,是不是有点眼熟?10菠萝 郁金香,这组合也真是绝了,有空钩个玩玩。12之前在小红书上专门分享了这款,取名“干杯,郁金香”。
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