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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes patients with emphysema and chronic bronchitis.Smoking is the leading cause.Air pollution can also cause the disease.Doctors can perform a quick breathing test with a machine called a spirometer that can help diagnose C.O.P.D. But experts say people are often not tested o...
The One Laptop Per Child program‘s XO Laptop Nicholas Negroponte, the head of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, says Intel withdrew because it is developing a competing low-cost computer. Speaking to Fortune Magazine, Negroponte said Intel was always skeptical about this program because it uses a processor fr...
new technology makes surgery safer ,shortens recovery time and leaves no scars. Both physicians and patients are please with the results .
Several of the ancient wonders exist today.The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is another ancient wonder of the world. It was built to honor a Greek goddess. It was one of the largest and most complex temples built in ancient times. The temple was built in what is now Turkey about two thousand five hundred years ago.
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