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see eye to eye 是什么意思?“see eye to eye”的真正意思是指:观点一致,意见相同。例:1. on the same page 想法一致、有共识。If people are on the same page, they have the same information and are thinking the same way. 即想法一致或同意某人的观点。我只是想确定我们大家观点一致。别人先表达了一个观点,你的看法一样,可以说:I...
1dirt cheap.非常便宜除了说very cheap,还可以用dirt cheap表示。还有比较常用的修饰cheap的词是relatively,relatively cheap表示相对便宜、比较划算。2cheap and nasty.cheap表示便宜,有时候有质量不好的意思,low in price and quality。cheap and nasty就是指劣质低廉的。They always seem cheap and nasty.cheap shot意思就是下流手段、...
就比如that is that,这是是什么意思呢?这可真不是那是那的意思了!这个词真正的意思是就这样,就这样定了,带着较为消极的情绪,表示决定不能更改,无能为力、无话可说。and (all) that是英式英语,表示and similar things,意思是等等、又、诸如此类。that is (to say)意思是也就是说、换句话说。that is it是有三个意思。
老练的水手在英语中,dog除了指汪汪狗,还可以指人,有经验的人,重要的人,因此,sea dog就是在航海方面有经验的人,也就是老练的水手,航海高手的意思啦The student was forced to listen to the dark anecdote of the sea dog.学生不得不听这个老练的水手讲述他那黑暗的陈年往事。在英文当中,half seas over可是指别人喝多了,喝醉酒了的意...
“你真漂亮”不要说“You’re so beautiful”!看到漂亮的美女,你是不是总会说’You''''''''re so beautiful.’,虽然没有错误,不过这种说法太老套了,今天我们来学习更为传神的表达!除了beautiful,另外两个词也非常好用,相信你一定见过:pretty,good-looking。例句:有气质。有的妹子长相可能不是那么...
这些关于动物的习语你知道吗?“monkey business”是啥?Monkey business.mp3 来自英语极客 00:00 03:46.这时,有一个关于动物的习语表达。No more monkey business.今天咱们来学习一些跟动物有关的习语吧monkey business.说到猴子,大家就会想到它上蹿下跳的形象,Monkey business字面上是“猴子的生意”的意思。后来人们就用monkey bu...
“Blue and white china”的意思不是“蓝白色中国”,答案让人眼前一亮!先来揭秘题目:Blue and white china.例句:Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England.Talk turkey.Tell him you want to talk turkey.Make him talk turkey.A piggy bank.Happiness is like a piggy bank, put in it as much as you can.我...
如果你说别人''''''''like a baby'''''''',说不定会要打起来了例:A: ''''''''I''''''''m still a baby~''''''''A::“我还是个宝宝啦~”(其实意思是:“我是个傻蛋”...
《体面》英文版 | 分手应该体面,才没辜负这些年。将《体面》这首歌翻译成英文版。But I can put on a brave face.Break up with dignity.I knew I had to be brave.But now I m crying my heart out again.Leaving with dignity now we face reality.All of our love that regains so faithfully.that I loved you this much it s true.Tear s...
妈耶,“I''m your man ”真的不是在跟你告白!“I''''''''m your man”(我是你的人?“I''''''''m your man”意思是“我是你的人”?“I''''''''m your man”真不是在对你告白!If you need help, I''''''...
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