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股骨近端髓内钉大转子进钉点怎么选?梨状窝位于大转子后极偏前约2cm处,转子窝紧贴大转子后极。1.正面观的选择2005年,Ostrum等针对股骨近端髓内钉进钉点位置进行解剖学研究,分别从大转子顶点、大转子顶点偏内2~ 3mm及偏外2~3mm三个位置进钉,结果发现从大转子顶点进针会有轻度的髋内翻,从大转子顶点偏外进钉会造成髋外翻,并且在操作过程中...
楔形撑开效应的临床意义及进钉点的选择 | 楔形撑开效应。我们已经介绍了「楔形撑开效应」的提出及其产生机制【点击阅读】,今天是关于「楔形撑开效应」的临床意义及进钉点的选择。由于臀部较大体积的软组织和手术者偏外的操作轨迹,大转子开口在扩髓插钉过程中往往逐渐向外侧扩大成椭圆形,这就可能导致髓内钉的放置位置偏外,相应的就会引起头...
粗隆间骨折髓内钉内固定术(Gamma3)-固定拉力螺钉(Lag screw fixation)-双语...Set screw insertion 插入固定螺丝Caution: 注意The set screw must be used. The use of the set screw is not optional.固定螺丝必用,无其他选择。Assemble the set screw to the set screw driver.Keep turning the set screw until you feel contact in one of...
粗隆间骨折髓内钉内固定术(Gamma3)-插拉力螺钉(头钉)(Lag screw insertion...Lag screw insertion 插拉力钉(头钉)The targeting device may be held by an assistant to prevent its weight from externally rotating the nail until the next stage is completed. 助手把持定位装置直到下一步操作完成,防止主钉因重力旋转。The screw is th...
粗隆间骨折髓内钉内固定术(Gamma3)-插主钉(Nail insertion)-双语学习。When the Gamma3 Nail has been inserted to its final depth, check the anteversion of the nail.Caution: 注意Before proceeding ensure that the nail holding screw is still fully tightened.The lag screw should be placed in the central position of the femora...
Note: 注意Before starting surgery, the implant and instrument assembly must be checked. Ensure that the sleeve angle matches the corresponding nail angle chosen, e. g. a 125° position in speedlock sleeve for a 125° nail, and the distal sleeve matches either for “dynamic” or “static” locking as require...
粗隆间骨折髓内钉内固定术(Gamma3)-切口和进针点 双语。触诊定位大转子的顶端(图13)沿髂嵴方向从大转子处切开约2 - 3cm的水平皮肤切口(图14)。Entry point 进针点The correct entry point is located at the junction of the anterior third and posterior two-thirds of the tip of the greater trochanter and on the tip itself (Fig. 22)....
预防楔形撑开效应的手术技巧 | 楔形撑开效应。髓内钉的大量使用,出现了一种特有的操作技术并发症——即「楔形撑开效应」,导致股骨干向外移位和头颈骨块内翻旋转。我们已经介绍了「楔形撑开效应」的提出及其产生机制【点击阅读】,「楔形撑开效应」的临床意义和进钉点的选择【点击阅读】。无论在转子间骨折还是股骨颈基底骨折,经大转子扩髓和...
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