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雅思口语题卡chocolate(带范文)Do you like chocolate?Yeah I love chocolate!4. Is chocolate expensive in China?I mean, if you go into any supermarket now, you’llsee shelves of it! And if I think about all my friends and familyhere, just about all of them are big chocolate fans. So yeah, Ithink it’s pretty fair to sa...
Yeah I’d say theydefinitely should, because first of all it’s fun, and children tend to learnmore when they’re having fun. And I think it would also make them appreciatethings more. You know, when you realize all the effort that goes into makingsomething, you kind of appreciate it more. So yeah, I think it’s veryb...
雅思口语题卡sky(带范文)Do youlike to watch the sky?If it’s a nice day, I do, yeah, because the sky can be quitepretty when it wants to be. But unfortunately most of the time there’s not muchto look at, you know, normally it’s just a blanket of grey!No I haven’t, it’s never crossed my mind. And I think itwould b...
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