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-2010年中考试题名著阅读汇编-2010年中考试题汇编之名著阅读(1)2010年北京市中考语文试题及答案6.名著阅读(3分)《左传》是一部编年体史书,相传为春秋时期的 ① 所作。每空1分) ②参考答案:疾病缠身,失去了战斗能力(2分)2010年山东东营中考语文试题及答案5.名著阅读。2010年山东济宁中考语文试题及答案2010年山东聊城中考语文试...
试题-2010年中考试题名著阅读汇编-中小学。2010年中考试题汇编之名著阅读(1)2010年北京市中考语文试题及答案6.名著阅读(3分)《左传》是一部编年体史书,相传为春秋时期的 ① 所作。2010年山东济宁中考语文试题及答案2010年山东聊城中考语文试题及答案2010年四川成都中考语文试题及答案(一)阅读下面的文字,完成下面的题目。对这个故...
It is 19feetlong and can fly a ditance of 460 miles, with a top speed of 115 mph in the air and 60mph on the highway.Interestedpilots (yes, you need to be a licensed(有执照的)flyer or a driver with a pilot''s license to buy one)can get an orderof the flying car( or the highway plane) for £6,500. It is plann...
In choosing Steven Chu as his energy secretary(能源部长), Barack Obama has chosen one of the most prominent U.S. scientists of using science to deal with global warming(全球变暖).Steven Chu was born in St.A. Obama''s reason of choosing Chu as the energy secretary.B. Chu''s plan and work on energy e...
Reading is a good habit, but the problem is, there''s too much to read these days, and too little time to read every word of it.◆ Read the first two paragraphs and the last two paragraphs carefully.◆ Then read only the first sentence of the other paragraphs.Skimming is a good way to get a general idea of lig...
英语:《同步导学》p19英语:《同步导学》p19 What would you do if a stranger gave you some medicine and it would keep you slim or help you do well in exams? Would you take."Because teens don''t know much about drugs,they might want to try them," said Zhang Dongsheng,the director of Shenzhen Drug Co...
我们还借助月亮唱过许多歌,然而,那一首首歌,没一首是专门唱给月亮的。答案示例:作者认为"那是我们借助月亮来写给我们自己的",意思是说人们写月亮并不是为了表达对月亮的某种感情,而是借月亮来抒发自己的感情,比如《水调歌头 明月几时有》中"月有阴晴圆缺"一句,苏轼是借月亮的盈亏变化来比况"人有悲欢离合&qu...
镇江市2010年初中毕业升学考试语文试卷。姥姥的端午。(4分)①运用想象和虚写描写了姥姥年轻时秀丽的形象 (1分,答出"想象"或"虚写"即可),②运用环境描写烘托姥姥年轻时秀丽的形象(1分,写出"环境烘托"即可),③用村姑的秀丽来衬托姥姥品质的美好 (1分,答出"衬托品质美好"即可),④补写出姥姥的...
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