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二十四节气的英文表达齐了。Ancient Chinese divided the circle of the annual motion of the sun (太阳周年运动) into 24 equal segments; each segment was called a Jie Qi or solar term. Hence the 24 segments are collectively called the Twenty-four Solar Terms.二十四节气的英文表达  立春(The Beginning of Spring):立是开始的...
Each week’s content begins with several introductory steps, awareness-awakening videos or articles on IC constructs, learning activities, relevant case studies, questions for response and reflection, and weekly review steps. The five topics included in this IC course include (learning step details appear in the slide...
英国礼仪专家:教你如何正确(装X)享用下午茶(视音频 中英全文)英国人对下午茶的热爱几乎媲美“跨越生死的爱恋”...今天就来给大家讲讲英国的下午茶礼仪~先涂果酱还是奶油?精彩音频: 英国礼仪大师:下午茶礼仪 来自乐活英伦 00:00 02:27 中英全文。要是德文郡浓缩奶油,按照德文郡当地人的做法,他们喜欢奶油渗入司康饼的口...
教学素材丨故宫博物院。The Palace Museum in Beijing, or the Forbidden City, has received more than 100 million visitors since January 2012, according to the museum.Meanwhile, the Palace Museum has been making every effort to repair the palace complex with a view to open more sections to the public.Nowadays, the Palace ...
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