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英语口语情景对话。练习英语口语可以根据前面文章提到的方法和介绍到的英语口语资料。学习英语口语情景对话需要注意的点是:语速的把握,情绪的控制,语调之类的。I''''''''m in Class one, Grade one, and you?My name is Tom, I''''''''m in Class one, Grade one.A: Oh, g...
This one cannot compare with that one. 这个与那个无法比较。You are always doing a good job!I''''ll still love her even if she doesn''''t love me.即使她不爱我,我还仍然爱她。There being no one to help me, I had to do it all alone. 因为没有人帮助我,我不得不独立完成这项工作。All my best m...
背完这999句,你的口语绝对不成问题了(1)_rom778的口袋_经验口袋 1. I see. 我明白了。我不干了!   3. Let go! 放手!   4. Me too. 我也是。You set me up!简直太棒了!   92. What about you? 你呢?   93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。信不信由你!   125. Don''t count on me.别指望我。别上当!   127. Don'&...
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