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I am an owlI am a bird. I have big eyes. I sleep during the day and play at night.
I’ll roll into a ball if I’m in danger.Roll 作动词 滚动Roll 作名词 卷形物春卷 spring rollroll into a ball 卷成一个球型的样子danger 危险dangerous 危险的I’m in danger. 我身处险境。
4、I am a squirrel 松鼠???I have a long furry tail.I like climbing trees.Nuts are my favorite food.Guess who I am.You are awesome! 你好厉害!I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳I like eating vegetables 我爱吃蔬菜I like playing video games 我爱打电子游戏Nuts are my favorite food.Nuts 坚果:开心果、花生、杏仁儿、核桃、腰果Are yo...
5、I am a deer鹿??宝贝儿们!in the wild 在野外,在自然环境下,野生的,自己找东西吃,不是动物园里人工饲养的I like eating grass.I like doing something..喜欢做什么事情I like eating 我喜欢吃Grass 青草、草地、草坪Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草地keep off “避让;不接近”I have two branched horns.I run very fast in the wild....
fishI live in the sea.
2、I am a rabbit 我是一只兔??I have red eyes and a short tail.I can hop, hop, and hop!I like to eat carrots.Guess who I am. ————l am a rabbit 我有红色的眼睛??和一条短尾巴我跳跳跳我喜欢吃萝卜猜猜我是谁———我是一只兔子??Red 红色的Eyes 眼睛Short 矮的或者短的Tail 尾巴 I have black hair and big eyes.我有乌黑的头发和...
3、I am a pig 我是一头猪??I live in a pen.我住在围栏里 I have a big nose.我有一只大大的鼻子I like to eat and sleep.我喜欢吃,喜欢睡 Guess who I am?猜猜我是谁?sleep 睡觉,是一个动作Be quiet! Daddy is sleeping.小声点,爸爸在睡觉呢。Sleepy 犯困的,想睡觉的I feel tired and sleepy.我感到有点累,想睡觉。
2、I’m a sheep 我是一只羊??I’m white.I live on the farm.You can get wool from me.Guess who I am 我一身白,我生活在农场 你可以从我身上获得羊毛,猜猜我是谁?
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