6huang IP属地:广东

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For wild animals are killed for their fur, which causes the imbalance of nature. For another, due to the contact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and pneumonia may infect humans easily.As many Chinese say, “come on Wuhan''''''''.Yours, Li Hua7看图作文疫情持续开学无...
高中英语构词法大全,帮你记忆更多单词!●名词/代词 名词 newspaper blood-test she-wolf.●动词 副词/ 副词 动词 breakthrough get-together outbreak outcome.●名词 介词 名词 sister-in-law editor-in-chief.●名词 形容词/形容词 名词 world-famous duty-free large-scale long- term.●数词 名词 形容词 ten-year-old ...
introduce sb / sth to sb 向某人介绍某人 / 某事物(be) of help 有帮助的。take sth into consideration 考虑到某事;inspire sb to do sth 鼓励 / 激励某人做某事;it is convenient (for sb) to do sth (某人) 方便做某事。it is convenient (for sb) to do sth (某人) 方便做某事;join sb in doing sth 和某人一起做某事。persuade sb int...
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