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Psychologists have found that people who believe in a just world are more likely to worship celebrities, whereas people more critical of society are less likely to obsess over a celebrity.Vice versa, people who do not believe in a fair world might resist worshipping celebrities, and in fact question or criticize the s...
外星人来电 - 普特英语听力的日志。外星人来电。The receivers scientists are currently using to listen to space noise are designed to find constant signals, or signals that are pulsing at regular intervals.假如有一天,科学家收到到外星人发来的信号该怎么办呢?但是任何携带信息的信号都可能丢失,因为接收者在信号基地不能收集到...
The first mate is Angelica, Blackbeard''s fiery daughter who, in a remarkable coincidence, was romantically involved with Captain Jack Sparrow way before the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.JACK SPARROW "Have you been there?"He played the part in the previous "Pirates of the Caribbean"...
幸福的形状 - 普特英语听力的日志,人人网,普特英语听力的公共主页。幸福的形状。any one will do.any one of us will do.It would seem that happiness has something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things—such as a peach stone, for instance.  幸福似乎和单纯有些关系,幸...
人生处处是转角 人生处处是转角。A friend of mine who works for the government is fond of reminding his fellow 7)bureaucrats that "survivability depends upon adaptability." And then there''s Chris, the California 8)surf-rat, who once told me that the answer to life''s problems can be summed up ...
普特英语歌曲欣赏 Lemon Tree - 普特英语听力的日志,人人网,普特英语听力的公共主页。Sing,da ,da la da la, de la da,da la da la, de la da,da de le de da跟我一起唱 da ,da la da la, de la da,da la da la, de la da,da de le de daI''m sitting here,I miss the power.我坐在这里,身上没有了一丝力气。(我左看右看上看下看)An...
勿忘说声谢谢 - 普特英语听力的日志,人人网,普特英语听力的公共主页。On the day of the final interview, my son and other two candidates arrived at the interview venue promptly, waiting for the decisive harsh test.The interview strategies my son prepared were not utilized at all.Three men received the same text this mornin...
乞丐启示录 - 普特英语听力的日志,人人网,普特英语听力的公共主页。As I hesitated on the curb,I felt a hand on my elbow and looked down to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me.Then we precarious moved on toward the sidewalk,where she pulled my face down to hers,kissed me on both cheeks,and then limped ...
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