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The Hispanic vote, a gold mine for Democrats and RepublicansBy Jose Luis Martinez, 11th September 2008.A survey published by the Pew Hispanic Center (PEW), a research group with no party affiliation, showed that the Hispanic voters who are already registered favor Obama over McCain 66 percent to 23 percent.The other s...
Latin America: A Long Way from Denver?The case for re-engaging with Latin America is made cogently in an article entitled "Morning in Latin America" by the Mexican intellectual and politician Jorge Castaneda in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs.Fourth, the issue of trade is of vital importance to Latin Ame...
Ideally, U.S. policy toward Latin America should be an exercise in atmospherics—high on photo ops and very friendly rhetoric, and low on intricate policies. Intricate policies inevitably veer toward interventionism or condescension, and Latin Americans need to continue to move toward self-reliance.
While the United States has had a long and sometimes controversial history of relations with Latin America, our current trade policy is an extension of policies begun in the 1980s that had as their goal, economic development and diversification in Latin America and integration of the region into the global economy.Sin...
"Greg Craig, criticizing Bush's errors with regards to the region, advocated the naming of an adviser to the President for Latin America" He is advised by the professor Riordan Roett, director of Studies of the Western Hemisphere and the program of Latin American Studies in the School of Advanced Interna...
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