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搞懂环状RNA(circRNA),看这篇就够了搞懂环状RNA(circRNA),看这篇就够了 肽度时界 04-12 09:43 大。环状RNA研究的历史?一种模型认为pre-RNA 的转录过程中由于RNA发生了部分折叠,拉近了原本非相邻的外显子,从而发生了外显子跳跃( exon skipping ) ,使得被跨越的区域形成了环形RNA中间体,进一步通过套索剪接形成由外显子构成的环形R...
链特异性参数设不对 结果全是错的一.文库类型。转录组文库构建的时候,可以选择链特异性文库或非链特异性文库。在进行转录本拼接的时候,需要考虑链特异性的问题。非链特异性 —library-type fr-unstranded, 默认链特异性 如果使用dUTP:—library-type fr-firststrand2. 将 reads 比对到基因组的软件2.1 tophat.非链特异性 —library-type fr-...
量筒measuring flask/measuring cylinderer.烧瓶flask.容量瓶volumetric flask/measuring flask.ph试纸universal ph indicator paper.白滴定管(酸)flintglass burette with glass stopcock.棕色滴定管(酸)brownglass burette with glass stopcock.Direct CurrentPlasma Emission Spectrometer直流等离子体发射光谱仪;InductiveCoupled Pla...
Nature Commun. | 河南大学宋纯鹏教授团队揭示拟南芥幼苗早期发育调控的新机制。ABA/GA比例决定了种子的发育命运,因此ABA/GA平衡受到严格控制,然而种子发芽及向光合自养转变过程中调控ABA/GA平衡的分子机制在很大程度上依然未知。该研究报道了GAS2通过影响非典型赤霉素DHGA12的生物合成,从而调节ABA/GA平衡,并参与幼苗早期发育过程的调控。...
Treatments and germination phenotype are indicated at the bottom of the figure. (b) Principal component analysis showing separation of the germinating KNO3‐light imbibed seeds against the dry and non‐germinating seeds. Pathway‐based analysis of germinating Col seeds and Cvi seeds reveals the specificity of t...
Treatments and germination phenotype are indicated at the bottom of the figure. (b) Principal component analysis showing separation of the germinating KNO3‐light imbibed seeds against the dry and non‐germinating seeds. Pathway‐based analysis of germinating Col seeds and Cvi seeds reveals the specificity of t...
中国的十大蔬菜的前世今生。依照总产量,中国十大蔬菜是大白菜、黄瓜、西红柿、茄子、洋葱、大蒜、菠菜、萝卜、豆类和辣椒。大白菜是十字花科芸薹属植物,为芸薹(Brassica rapa)的变种。茄科栽培蔬菜。茄子是茄科蔬菜。菠菜于10世纪在地中海第一次出现在书面记录中,成为当地一种受欢迎的蔬菜,并在12世纪后期到达西班牙。豆类蔬菜。豆类植物...
Loss‐of‐function of OsDOF15 impaired primary root elongation and cell proliferation in the root meristem, whereas OsDOF15 overexpression enhanced these processes, indicating that OsDOF15 is a key regulator of primary root elongation.OsDOF15 transcription is repressed by salt stress, and OsDOF15‐mediated ethylene bi...
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