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艾玛在伦敦地铁里藏了100本书!最近,艾玛在伦敦地铁里藏了一本近期自己最爱的书《Mom &Me &Mon》,一次性藏了100本!为了让大家对《Mom &Me &Mon》这本书感兴趣,艾玛把书籍藏在了地铁里。The club’s latest selection is Maya Angelou’s Mom and Me and Mom.11月和12月的书目将是《Mom &Me &Mom》,这是Maya Angel...
8个年过五十女星的美容秘诀 8 beauty tips from celebs over 50.The 53-year-old actress and model attributes her youthful skin to one thing: moisturizer. ''I moisturize, moisturize, moisturize,'' Moore told Marie Claire. ''No matter how late it is, when I get home, I take the time to clean and mois...
双语有声阅读:爱神。But quick-eyed Love,observing me grow slackFrom my first entrance in,Drew nearer to me,sweetly questioningIf I lacked anything.爱神欢迎我的到来,而我的灵魂却在退缩,蒙着浮世的灰尘与负罪的愧疚。从我进门的那刻,我那无精打采的神情,逃不过爱神雪亮的眼睛。爱神说:“你将会是那位宾客。”爱神拉起我的手...
双语有声阅读:肇事的兔子。狼们公开宣布,他们不喜欢兔子的生活方式。The wolves replied that the rabbits had been eaten and since they had been eaten the affair was a purely6 internal matter.So the wolves gave them one. ''They were trying to escape,'' said the wolves, ''and, as you know, this is n...
A Reason, Season, or Lifetime你生活中的人们People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.3 clairvoyant [kle?Love is blind,but friendship is clairvoyant.爱是盲目的,友谊则能洞察一切。Those whom are clairvoyant have often...
双语有声阅读:冷山。英曼曾告诉过斯云麦,说他曾爬到冷山的顶端,还有毗斯迦山和斯特灵山。这些几乎是最高的山了,可他从来没在这些山的山顶看到过什么神地。英曼虽然记不起斯云麦是否说过关于到达那平复伤痛的神地的其他什么意义,但屹立于他心中的冷山的确是可以重新唤起他所有力量的地方。参考例句:The top of Mount Everest is the most ...
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing1 for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable2 pity for the suffering of mankind.I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy5, ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of ...
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