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Spring Web Flow 的目标是成为管理Web应用页面流程的最佳方案。<bean name="/booking.htm" class="org.springframework.web.flow.mvc.FlowController"> <property name="flow"> <ref bean="bookingFlow"/> </property> </bean> <bean id="bo...
Spring Web Flow: A Practical IntroductionSpring Web FlowA Practical IntroductionThis article introducesSpring Web Flow,a sub project of the popular SpringFramework.The detail flow defines a "finish" end state, so the subflow state in theparent flow has a corresponding transition taking the flow back to the &...
spring学习笔记:bean作用域bean作用域:1。prototype 原型模式,这是多实例作用域,针对每次不同的请求,Bean容器均会生成一个全新的Bean实例以供调用者使用。request 针对每次HTTP请求,Spring容器会根据Bean的定义创建一个全新的Bean实例, 且该Bean实例仅在当前HTTP request内有效,因此可以根据需要放心地更改所建实例的内部状...
什么是PortletPortlets “Portlets是一种Web组件-就像servlets-是专为将合成页面里的内容聚集在一起而设计的。通常请求一个portal页面会引发多个portlets被调用。每个portlet都会生成标记段,并与别的portlets生成的标记段组合在一起嵌入到portal页面的标记内。”(摘自Portlet规范,JSR 168)从技术角度讲portlet是一个实现了javax.portlet....
Spring security offers a simple configuration based security for yourweb applications helping you secure your web application with outlittering your business logic with any security code.-add any of your cusotom url patterns to protect-> <security:intercept-url pattern="/login/**" access="ROLE_...
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