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结婚后就是一家人:婚后财务管理指南Merging the Finances财务合并。Should you merge everything you have and earn into one joint account, or should you maintain individual accounts and open a joint one for household expenses?该将双方所有的固有资金及盈利都放到一个共同账户中,还是二人分别拥有各自的账户,然后新开一个共同账户...
Don’t leave me, please.求你不要离开我。8.Please give me one more chance.请再给我一次机会。10.I know it’s all my fault. I’ll never break your heart again. Please forgive me.我知道都是我的错。
Don''t be so hard on yourself.Realize that you don''t need to tackle all of this information today.Your creative talents should be operating at an all-time high today, Capricorn.Getting out and working with groups could seem especially appealing today, particularly groups involving athletics or other p...
母亲节:温馨盘点妈妈善意的谎言谎言虽可恶,但是母亲们善意的谎言(white lie)却让我们觉得无比幸福,暖意融融,时时流露出一股柔情,值得我们一辈子去享受、去珍藏。我曾说过,我们的妈妈是大谎言家。As Mother’s Day is upon us, let’s take a look at some of moms’ love-wrapped lies。You were always there for me when I needed some...
Feeling inadequate, giving up, and saying you don''t know is not the answer.If you don''t succeed today, you''ll have no one to blame but yourself.Could it be that you simply need to allot yourself more time to complete the monumental tasks you take on?You don''t know how to deal with t...
超重的人往往低估自己的体重In a world full of mirrors, what I’m about to tell you may be a surprise. But many overweight people do not know they’re obese. They underestimate their weight, according to a study in the journal Body Image.在一个充满了镜子的世界里,我将告诉你一个吃惊的事实。然后他们再问这些学生关于他们体...
【小昵手做】浓情贝蕾帽 【小昵手做】浓情贝蕾帽。说明:棒针可以不用这么多,我是边织边发现问题,针数起多了不想拆,就换针来织。用4.0mm针起头,细线合6股,起了96针(有点肥了),织几行正针,宽窄看自己喜欢,织正针是为了有一条可以卷起来的边,比较漂亮。2.1正针,挑起与下一针之前的线挂到针上,然后用扭针织正针(2次)。2正针,扭针...
新手请来学习钩针基础新手请来学习钩针基础 (2011-11-08 04:47:10)
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