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Jerry跟同事Paula和Will打招呼,聊聊彼此周末都干了些什么。Jerry: Hey, Paula.Paula周末去看了新出的三维电影,3D movie. Will跟几个朋友一起去骑山地车,山地车在英语里叫 mountain bike,在上面那段话里是做动词用,Will went mountain biking. Will还说,他们出了一身汗,玩得特别开心。Paula开玩笑说,五个星期也足够了,搞不好用不了五个...
浓茶怎么说?英文中有个词strong,浓茶strong tea,而跟strong相对应的自然是weak,所以weak则有口味淡的意思。1. (饮品、化学品、药物)含量高的,浓的,酽的A strong drink, chemical, or drug contains a lot of the particular substance which makes it effective. Strong coffee ortea late at night may cause sleeplessness... 深夜喝浓...
The first age at which performance was significantly lower than the peak scores was 27 – for three tests of reasoning, speed of thought and spatial visualisation. Memory was shown to decline from the average age of 37. In the other tests, poorer results were shown by the age of 42.从逻辑推理、反应速度和空间想象力三项...
日常英语口语:“酒窝”和“青春痘”用英语怎么说?所以你要赞美人家有酒窝,就可以说:You got a cute dimple in your cheek. 或是 A cute dimple just appeared in your face. (一个可爱的酒窝刚在你的脸上浮现。)  不过呢,除了脸上会有 dimple 外,身上的其它地方也会有 dimple。Dimple 和pimple只差一个字母,意思可就完全不同了。Dim...
看人先看鞋:研究发现鞋子透露主人性格Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger''s personality simply by looking at the person''s shoes.研究人员指出,有些人会通过选择鞋子的样式来掩饰他们真实的性格特征,不过研究人员也指出,志愿者们一般都不会意识...
美一男子脑震荡后变音乐天才。美国一名男子在一个较浅的游泳池跳水导致脑震荡,之后却意外发现这起事故使他成为了音乐天才。在2006年10月,阿马托到朋友家参加聚会,在游泳池跳水时头部撞到池底。在晕倒后,阿马托被送往医院,医生诊断他患上了严重的脑震荡。Amato, who can not read music, explained that he knew what to play as he could ...
炎夏来临:实用十招教你对抗高温酷暑The heat is back. Summer is coming. The sun is out to get you—but don''t lose hope. Here are our top 10 ways to beat the heat.高温归来。We all know that cooling off involves coming into contact with something cooler than ourselves, but that personal temperature reduction can ...
带饭族必看:怎么样省钱又健康Bringing lunch to work every day sure does save more than a few bucks and keeps you healthy at the same time. It''s such an easy everyday saving trick, and it''s a great option for those trying to cut costs on their daily expenses. Here are a few tips that get me through the...
Just make sure you don''t do so at someone else''s expense.You might feel as if your powerful emotions are getting in the way of your dreams, Capricorn.Or perhaps you''re finding that you''re so wrapped up in a particular vision of the future that you''re getting lost in your ow...
杨幂刘恺威微博秀英语,遭网友吐槽。本来两人微博晒幸福引来很多粉丝追捧,结果有网友发现,刘恺威的英语语法错了,杨幂也将戛纳的英文拼错了——“第一次看见everythings are这种用法……小学老师就教过,everything作主语时谓语动词用单数好吧……”“cannes film festival,是C不是G好吧,英语不好不会百度一下么?”
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