共 5 篇文章
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虚拟化的含义丰富,应用广泛。目前虚拟化技术主要关注于服务器虚拟化,即在一个宿主计算机上提供多个独立操作系统。本文将探索虚拟化背后的思想,然后讨论实现虚拟化的一些技术。我们还将了解现有的其他一些虚拟化技术,例如 Linux 上操作系统的虚拟化。
coLinux was begun by Dan Aloni in 2000.The advantage of this cooperative approach is that, unlike with an independent virtual machine or an operating system emulator, a system needs no additional memory for coLinux, and applications run under coLinux with next to no loss of performance.coLinux works by converting syst...
z/VM, a multiple-access operating system that implements IBM virtualization technology, is the successor to IBM's VM/ESA operating system. z/VM can support multiple guest operating systems (there may be version, architecture, or other constraints), such as Linux, OS/390, TPF, VSE/ESA, z/OS, and z/VM itself. z/VM i...
用CoLinux 进行虚拟化。本文讨论 Cooperative Linux(coLinux),首先简单介绍虚拟化,然后讨论 coLinux 采用的方式。主机操作系统(Windows 或 Linux)控制操作系统的物理资源,而访客(guest)操作系统(coLinux)获得硬件的虚拟抽象。安装 coLinux.为了使后面的操作更容易,将安装 coLinux 的目标文件夹改为 c:\colinux\,因为从配置文件的...
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