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3. —Jim, did you go a special last weekend?We have f bananas at home, so please go to the store and get some.Did you go to the sports club yesterday?B: No, I didn’t.A: Then where did you go?A: Who did you go there with?We watched a movie about robots.B. Why not go there this afternoon?Are...
Today you did (2)_________ interesting, didn’t you? Today I did (3)_________ at home. I only relaxed. For lunch I didn’t eat (4)_________, either (也). Why? Today Mom and Dad were not at home. I couldn’t cook by (5)_________, so I didn’t eat any food. Now I miss Mom very much. I ...Oh, I hear (6)_________ calling ...
Key sentences: Where did you go on vacation?Emotional aims: Ss exchange their feelings about their vacations and know more about each other.Say : Most of you went on vacation, Now let’s talk about your vacations.Get Ss to make an interview about my vacation and answer students’ questions.Then another pair should ask...
This unit is around "Holidays and vacation” to carry out teaching activities.Students should learn to use past tense to talk about holiday activities. The content is close to students’ lives,it’s also a topic that students are willing to discuss and share with others .So in teaching process ,we can consolidat...
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简笔画 pingpu.
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