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Mapping from Frame-Driven to Frame-Free Event-Driven Vision Systems by Low-Rate Rate Coding and Coincidence Processing—Application to Feedforward ConvNets.事件驱动传感器是一种特殊类型的事件,即所谓的动态视觉传感器(DVS),其中每个像素都计算光线或“时间对比度”的相对变化。事件驱动的ConvNet使用专用的事件驱动模拟器进行...
Spiking Deep Residual Network.To address the conversion problem, we propose a shortcut normalisation mechanism to appropriately scale continuous-valued activations to match firing rates in SNN, and a layer-wise error compensation approach to reduce the error caused by discretisation. 为了解决转化过程中的问题,文章提出...
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