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来看两个例句:Anne says she feels jealous every time another woman looks at her boyfriend.在美剧《摩登家庭》中,Phil和妻子Claire去参加聚会,而且Claire的前男友也在场,于是Phil和妻子有了下边的对话:Phil: Sorry. Did I embarrass you in front of your ex-boyfriend? Yeah, I know about that.Claire: Because I told you. Come on...
one thing leads to another来看一下权威的解释:One action has triggered others, especially those that are unplanned or unforeseen.You know how one thing leads to another. 我花钱越来越猛,最后终于破产了。At first, we were just talking a little, but one thing led to another, and he asked me out.She''s found anoth...
“我很内向”用英语怎么说?introvert /??在美剧《马男波杰克》中,Wayne在介绍他的情景喜剧中的角色Zoe时,就用到了这个单词:Mr. Peanutbutter''''''''s House featured a pair of twins, Zoe and Zelda. Zelda was the sunny, fun-loving extrovert. Whereas Zoe was the smart, cynical introvert.出演《...
② don''''''''t take sth to heart同样的,take sth to heart表示“把某事放在心上,为某事耿耿于怀”,那么否定形式就表示“别放心上、别往心里去”。This is not your fault, don''''''''t take it to heart.③ don''''''''t take it too...
“情不自禁”用英语怎么说?那么问题来了,想要用英语表达“情不自禁”,怎样才地道呢?Bernadette: I can''''''''t help it.要表示“情不自禁,一时激动,一时冲动”,我们还可以用这个表达:in the heat of the moment,来看一个例句:Joy didn''''''''t mean it - he said...
I did my best, but none took the best advice: stop investing in real estate.② I''''''''ll do my best.I''''''''m not sure, but I''''''''ll do my best. 这个我不能保证,但我会尽力的。Well, I'''''''...
one in a million:美剧《摩登家庭》中,Luke告诉父母,他不想继续学习魔术了,于是他父母就有了下边这段对话:Father: What''s to talk about? The kid''s a natural. He has everything--the hands, the patter, the outfits.Mother: Okay, let''s play this out. Even if he is one in a million, what''s o...
“被冷落”用英语怎么说?在和朋友、同学相处过程中,谁都不愿意被冷落。那么问题来了,你知道“被冷落”用英文怎么说吗?当朋友们谈论篮球时,他总是感到被冷落,因为他根本不喜欢篮球。要表达“冷落,忽视”,还可以用这两个词:ignoreneglect.需要注意的是,ignore通常指有意识地拒绝,而neglect多指无意识地忽视,例如:I smiled at her bu...
“想当然”真不是think of course, 翻译错太尴尬。有同学可能会说,想=think,当然=of course,“想当然”难道就是think of course?Kate was young and she was wearing student-type clothes so I assumed she was studying here. 凯特很年轻,穿着学生式的衣服,所以我想当然地以为她在这里学习。think twice来看两个例句:It would be sensi...
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