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C# 截取图像中的特定区域。//先初始化一个位图对象,来存储截取后的图像 Bitmap bmpDest = new Bitmap(cutWidth, cutHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);//这个矩形定义了,你将要在被截取的图像上要截取的图像区域的左顶点位置和截取的大小 Rectangle rectSource = new Rectangle(pos.X, pos.Y, cutWidth, cutHeight);
//change the path, so it gets saved in the ''''''''resize'''''''' directoryimg.//now create manipulated versions, and save themvar resize1 = img.Save(''''''''resize'''''''', '''&#...
//change the path, so it gets saved in the ''''''''resize'''''''' directoryimg.//now create manipulated versions, and save themvar resize1 = img.Save(''''''''resize'''''''', '''&#...
SizeMode''''''''>SizeMode/see> is set to StretchImage/span>/// span class=''''''''code-SummaryComment''''''''>/summary>/span>/// span class=''''''''code-SummaryComment'&...
SizeMode''''''''>SizeMode/see> is set to StretchImage/span>/// span class=''''''''code-SummaryComment''''''''>/summary>/span>/// span class=''''''''code-SummaryComment'&...
This image will hold the section of the input image as decided by scroll position. (Scroll position is linked with input image height).This byte is formatted as a Bitmap image. (We are doing it because we will copy the input image into new image.) We also make a memory stream of this data block.Even though this is a s...
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