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朱民:美股短期反弹脆弱 下行震荡的风险不容忽视|朱民|美股。与金融危机时期相比,疫情期间,美联储全面降息更为迅速,更早推出量化宽松政策,在美联储无限量购买国债和抵押贷款支持证券的同时,启动一系列的流动性工具,包括增设的公司信贷工具(PMCCF和SMCCF),通过购买企业债券来降低企业的融资成本,使得当前股票市场反弹更快。在极端情况...
From the Robinhood stock app to Reddit: The risky market of amateur trading.Some are taking cues from mainstream sources like the Wall Street Journal and CNBC, others are looking at Reddit and Barstool Sports’ Dave Portnoy for ideas (and entertainment). And commission-free trading on gamified apps makes investing eas...
What’s Missing in Pandemic Models.In the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous models are being used to predict the future.One reason why the dynamics of an outbreak are often more complicated than a traditional model can predict, or an infectious-disease epidemiology theory can explain, is that the dynamics of an outbreak res...
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