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英语20.???郭Sir英语每日分享??One should discipline oneself in the spirit of.Autumn and live with others in the spirit of.Spring.律己,宜带秋气;处世,须带春风。
英语19.???郭Sir英语每日分享??春夜喜雨。Happy Rain on A Spring Night.好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。野径云俱黑,江船火独明。晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。Good rain knows its time right;It will fall when comes spring.With wind it steals in night;绿上枝头,袅袅春幡。绿回大地,生意盎然。英语学习,日积月累。
英语18.???郭Sir英语每日分享??Which is reasonable to you?1.Life is like an onion: you peel it off one。layer at a time, and sometimes you are to.weep.人生就像洋葱:你只能一层层地剥开它,有时还免不了流泪。All the world''''''''s a stage, and all the men and.women merely players;他们都有下...
英语16.???郭Sir英语每日分享??The heart is a house with two bedrooms.In one of them lives pain, and in the other lives pleasure.Men cannot laugh too loudly.The laughter would otherwise awaken the pain next door.心脏是一座有两间卧室的房子,一间住着痛苦,一间住着快乐。人不能笑的太大声,否则笑声会吵醒隔壁的痛苦。
英语15.???郭Sir英语每日分享??We are.waves of the same sea,leaves of the same tree,flowers of the same garden.身若伏波,与子同海;若为落木,与子同枝;若为兰草,与子同室。The quote, by ancient Roman philosopher Seneca, appears onthe packaging of masks donated by a Chinese company to Italy.(引自古罗马哲学家塞涅卡的名言)
英语14.郭Sir 英语每日分享??
英语13.郭Sir 英语每日分享??山川异域,风月同天。这句话来源于1300多年前中日友好交往的一段佳话。根据记载鉴真事迹的历史典籍《东征传》,公元八世纪,日本长屋亲王曾在赠送大唐的千件袈裟上,绣上十六字偈语:山川异域,风月同天,寄诸佛子,共结来缘。鉴真大师被此偈打动,由此六次东渡日本,弘扬佛法,成为中日文化交流史上最具标志性的伟...
英语12.???郭Sir英语每日分享??1.Great distance cannot separate us, we all.live in a united world.道不远人,人无异国。(The poem, written by Korean scholar.Choe Chi-won)Like the mountain range that stretches.before you and me,let''''''''s share the same.trials and hardships together.(The ...
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