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Resetting the Launchpad Layout.UPDATE: New and improved command that was posted in the comments, thanks Greg!Use this command whenever you want to reset the Launchpad layout to the default.defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true;killall Dock.
Mac中Eclipse添加JDK源码因为Mac中JDK 1.6.0目录下没有自带JDK的源码src.zip, 所以Eclipse里默认是找不到源码的。
How to mount a HFS partition in Ubuntu as Read/Write?sudo mount -o force /dev/sdX /your/mount/point.sudo mount -o remount,rw,force /mount/point./mount/point would usually be /media/Your_drive_label /dev/sdx is your HFS+ device.Use mount -l to find which device is already mounted on which mount point.
mac os terminal 快捷键mac os terminal 快捷键。mac terminal 快捷键:清屏:Command + K.新建标签: Command + T.关闭当前标签页: Command +W.保存终端输出:Command + S.水平分隔当前标签页: Command + D.取消水平分隔: Command + Shift + D.向左/向右切换标签: Command + shift + { 或 }最后有个好玩的命令,查看最常用的10个命令(最...
OS X 键盘快捷键OS X 键盘快捷键。修饰键包括:Command、Shift、Option、Control、Caps Lock 和 Fn 键。Command-Shift-Control-T.Command-Shift-Option-Q.Command-Shift-上箭头。Command-Shift-Option-Delete.Command-Shift-Control-3Command-Shift-Control-4Command-Shift-Option-V.Command-Shift-右箭头。Command-Shift-左箭头。Command-Shif...
Xcode Command Line Tools for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.The Xcode Command Line Tools are part of XCode.You don’t need the full Xcode package to get the Xcode Command Line Tools. You only need the full Xcode package if you are doing development of applications for the Apple operating systems. However, you may have previo...
OS X error solutions1.
Mac os 快捷键command+shift+ [ or ] : terminal标签间切换com + n :打开新的windowcom + t : 当前window打开新的标签。
如何将NTFS格式的移动硬盘挂接到Mac OS上进行读写(Read/Write)操作。现在硬盘便宜,很多同学都有移动硬盘,如果你同时使用Windows与Mac OS的话,移动硬盘最好不要使用NTFS文件系统,否则在Mac OS上,你只能读你的移动硬盘,不能写。6、将移动硬盘以NTFS格式mount到上面的目录sudo mount_ntfs -o rw,nobrowse /dev/disk1s1 /Volumes/MYHD/执行...
OS X 实用技巧一、隐藏文件的开启关闭10.9 输入(开启)defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true之后再输入:killall Finder使Finder重新加载,就能看到隐藏文件了,制作完毕后再将隐藏文件关闭显示,后面会说到方法。
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