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央视主持人赵音奇、刘欣:如何打造英语演讲高手 2010年8月5日,中央电视台《希望英语》栏目制片人兼主持人赵音奇,中央电视台英语频道主持人刘欣,做客新浪网嘉宾聊天室,为大家介绍“中央电视英语演讲风采大赛”背后的精彩故事,同时与广大网友分。英语演讲风采大赛是一种电视选秀吗?所以我感觉,我们如果要想提高英语演讲水平,还是应该要去...
世界著名大学公开课程 (三)耶鲁大学开放课程:聆听音乐...
世界著名大学公开课程 (二)哈佛大学公开课:幸福课第十...
世界著名大学公开课程 (一)哈佛大学公开课:幸福课第一...
When I got to know Andy better, the beatings became more direct, but. [laughter] Icould tell you Andy stories for a month, but the one I will tell you is that when it cametime to start thinking about what to do about graduating from Brown, it had neveroccurred to me in a million years to go to graduate school.I said t...
And boy, the other team just never knew what hit ‘emthem. Because when you’re only doing it for one play and you’re just not whereyou’re supposed to be, and freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, boyare you going to clean somebody’s clock for that one play.经过教练格雷厄姆,我的另一个教练,教练赛...
TED 演讲 精选三【字幕】TED演讲 - 让孩子们...
TED 演讲 精选二【字幕】TED演讲-世界格局的...【字幕】TED演讲 -为啥我们...
TED 演讲 精选一【英文字幕】TED演讲-中国的...【英文字幕】TED演讲 Silico...
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