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爆笑视频:5岁励志姐大谈人生。I don''t want to marry someone if I don''t have a job first.No, I don''t want to marry you yet, I want to have a job, and if he says,"I will not come back to you."I''m not going to do anything for you until I have my job, I don''t care if I ...
超级可爱视频:你为什么亲我?我们总说童言无忌,但有时小孩子说的都是自己真实的感受。视频中的小男孩小女孩很纯真,看到小男孩兴奋的表情真像个小大人呢!Why did you kiss me?I kiss you ''cause I like you.I kiss you ''cause you like me.You kiss me.I kiss you.I don''t kiss you.Let''s kiss.We kissed...
CBS《60分钟》节目:采访乔布斯传记作者视频/文本?Steve?Jobs''s?Biogr...最新一期《60分钟》(60 Minutes )节目:采访乔布斯传记作者 Walter Isaacson访谈 视频 Steve Jobs''s Biographer Walter Isaacson.Isaacson: Jobs became wildly rich.But as Jobs tells Isaacson on tape, he decides to let Mona go meet him alo...
Connie:Jake did very well.Connie:Are you going alone?Connie:I''ve seen him at the station,but I don''t know him.Connie:That''s great, Maria.Connie:OK,Mike.Connie:OK.What are your hopes for the future?Connie:Do you want to land on the moon?Connie:That''s interesting,but do you want to wo...
Jake:I have to convince Maria.Jake:Maria,I need to see you.Jake:Maria,you''re wrong about this story.Jake:Connie can be the host,Maria.Maria:Are you sure, Jake?Jake:Yes,I am sure, Maria.Maria:OK,Jake.Jake:It''s one of the biggest business stories of the year.Larkin,I''m Jake Seltzer of WEFL tel...
英语学习——视频英语听说英语学习——视频英语听说--学英语的新招2.Jake:Where''s Abbott Larkin?Larkin told me I could ask the travel agent for his flight plans.Travel Agent:There''s a TW flight leaving LaGuardia at 3:35,Travel Agent:He is on TW Flight 361 today, the 26th,leaving LaGuardia at 3:53,Jake:Fir...
英语学习——?视频英语听写——学英语的新招英语学习—— 视频英语听写——学英语的新招。Steven:Good job,Jake.Jake:Now wait,Steven.Steven:Jake,I''m off to the doctor right now.Jake:I know you''re busy and hate to bother you,Steven,but this is important.Jake:Larkin''s talking to James Brady, the pres...
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