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Qual formatQual.Qual is a standard file format for read and contig quality scores.Here is an example of a qual-format read:The number of integers should be equal to the number of bases on the corresponding fasta read;qual is also the name of an input directory.It is a subdirectory of DATA and contains the raw data for...
A FASTA file may contain a single or multiple sequences in FASTA format.
illumina 的 mate-pair paired-end and single read以solexa为例,对单端测序(Single-read)和双端测序(Paired-end和Mate-pair)进行介绍。Paired-end方法是指在构建待测DNA文库时在两端的接头上都加上测序引物结合位点,在第一轮测序完成后,去除第一轮测序的模板链,用对读测序模块(Paired-End Module)引导互补链在原位置再生和扩增,以达到第...
mate pair and paired end used with illumina and 454 tecnologyWhat is paired-end/mate pair sequencing?For 454 technology, the terms "paired end" and "mate-pair" are used interchangeably, and the library construiction process involves circularisation and juxtaposition of the ends of long molecules, s...
What is a long jumping distance (LJD) library?While the mate-pair library displays jumping distances of 2 kbp to 5 kbp, LJD libraries do show much more precise distances, thus improving assembly quality.LJD libraries are being offered for 3kbp, 8 kbp, 20 kbp and even 40 kbp jumping distance.Second, within the LJD libr...
What is a mate pair library?1) Inward facing reads: Unbiotinylated fragments that have not been successfully washed away will cause undesired inward facing reads (see Illumina’s mate pair sample preparation guide). These inward-facing reads are like shotgun paired end reads as they align to the reference with a small...
The differents between ends-paired and mate-paired"paired end" or "mate pair" refers to how the library is made, and then how it is sequenced.Structural rearrangements can be deduced when your read pairs map to a reference at a distance that is substantially different from how that library was cons...
de bruijn and OLCHi there.In the special case of infinite coverage, if you choose the right parameters (de Bruiijn kmer=overlap=read-length-1) then the overlap and de Bruijn graphs are the same.In short - de Bruijn assemblers and overlap assemblers tend to be used on different TYPES of data with implicitly different e...
摘 要: 本文阐述了生物信息学产生的背景,生物学数据库,生物信息学的主要研究内容,与生物信息学关系密切的数学和计算机科学技术领域,生物信息学产业等内容,展望了其未来并提出了若干在我国发展生物信息学的建议。生物信息学产生的背景有人说,基于序列的生物学时代已经到来,尽管对"序列生物学"这一提法可能有所争议,但是今日像...
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