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瘦男必备:十招让你迅速增肥瘦男必备:十招让你迅速增肥。If you''re the type to avoid drinking throughout the workweek and then go out for a night of partying on the weekend, you''re going to get fat.High-carb foods, especially of the processed variety, are extremely dangerous in terms of fat gain, becaus...
健康必备:吃水果也要“对症下药”(图)健康必备:吃水果也要“对症下药”(图)更多理由吃水果:Cherries help calm your nervous system.Apples help your body develop resistance against infections.Watermelon helps control your heart rate.Stawberries can potentially fight against cancer and aging.Mangos protect against several k...
Ensuring that you don''t place too much tissue in to cause discomfort and difficulty in removing the tissue from the nasal cavity.Then the nose can be pinched off at the cartilage region where the bridge of the nose is hard, and meets the soft, fleshy area of the nose.At no point in time, should the head be ti...
Just two hours a day spent keeping the mind and body busy is as effective at warding off dementia as drug treatment, research reveals.Simple activities such as gardening, doing crosswords or sudoku, making snacks and singing helps keep the brain healthy, and even slow the course of dementia in sufferers already diagno...
There was an estimated 12,640 centenarians in Britain last year, but this number is expected to reach 500,000 over the next few decades。一项针对百岁老人的研究显示出,许多活到一百岁的长寿老人都是成功预防患上诸如癌症等常见疾病的幸运者。专家称现今英国有四分之一刚出生的儿童预计能活到100岁,他们相信在未来30年,英国百岁老...
Well, simply expressed, a proper healthy diet is one that is well-balanced, or, in other words, one that includes enough but not too many of the kinds of foods that provide the body with the nutrients that it needs to function properly.Water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and the B-group vitamins do not stay in the b...
双语:定期看牙医有助保护你的心脏(图)双语研究:定期看牙医有助保护你的心脏(图)Scientists have known for several years that the condition of teeth and gums is strongly linked to the likelihood of heart problems.英国心脏基金会的高级心脏护理护士娜塔莎?斯图尔特说:“相较糟糕的口腔卫生与心脏健康的关系来说,心脏病与吸烟和不良...
Chemotherapy could cause brain damage in breast cancer patients scientists have warned.The study involved 25 breast cancer patients who had been treated with chemotherapy, 19 breast cancer patients who had surgery and other treatments, and 18 healthy women.该研究的参与对象包括25名曾接受过化疗的乳腺癌患者、19名接受过外...
Scientists have found that egg proteins, specifically those found in the white, help us stay awake and feel alert.Researcher Dr Denis Burdakov said: "Research suggests that if you have a choice between jam on toast, or egg whites on toast, go for the latter."据英国《每日邮报》11月17日报道,科学家发现,鸡蛋中...
提高记忆力,要选择正确的食物,下面这五种食物受到科学和古老文明的一致推崇,是提高记忆力的不二食疗法宝:最著名的提高记忆力的草本植物是迷迭香。Tea 茶。Tea also contains a calming amino acid called theanine which helps reduce “the jitters” and keeps the mind relaxed and focused. Perhaps the best news is that tea has up ...
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