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双语:给女友挑礼物三大忠告双语:给女友挑礼物三大忠告。1.记住选粉色——女孩们都爱“粉嘟嘟”的玩意儿,如果你给她买了一份粉色礼物的话,她一定会很开心的。Weight Matters — Girls don''t like heavy and bulky stuff, they are always up for something which is portable and which is easily to carry. So, if you''r...
达人支招:如何设置密码最安全?开电脑要密码、登录网站要密码、处理工作还要密码。密码不应包含个人信息,有些办法可以让密码又好记,又不易破解,短语是个不错的选择。An example is "Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill” That''s easy to remember, right? Well, your password is there - it''s the first letter of ea...
Use one third to pay down debt you owe.Something — be it a car repair, an emergency root canal, or a job layoff — always comes up to throw you off your monthly budget. To keep these incidents from running you into debt, you need to have an emergency stash in an easily accessible account, preferably a money market ac...
冬季保湿护理8大必备单品双语:干燥冬季保湿护理8大必备单品。Moisturizing Facial Mask.If your face is especially prone to dryness, apply a moisturizing facial mask one or two times per week.Lip Balm.Facial Moisturizer.Because facial skin is much more sensitive -- and far more prone to acne or drying -- than skin in other...
As the King or Queen of the Jungle, the Lion opts to dine in the sort of restaurants that befit royalty -- those of the five-star variety.Adventurous and enthusiastic, Sagittarius will satisfy their appetite not only for food but also for excitement by dining on foreign cuisine.A five-star restaurant that has great fo...
Take the dog''s size into consideration, since smaller dogs generally have longer life spans than larger dogs, with toy breeds tending to live the longest and giant breeds, the shortest.For example, according to the above method, a six-year-old dog is considered 40 in human years, when in fact a larger dog may...
牛仔裤的保养秘诀:尽可能少洗(双语)牛仔裤的保养秘诀:尽可能少洗(双语) (2011-10-29 09:19:51)Chiara, who says he wears jeans every day in both work and social situations, believes that "the less people wash their jeans, the better their jeans become. Denim really does shape to people''s bodies, and when yo...
Hand, arm and leg movements are toward their own bodyas the liar tries to take up less space。5. s are limited to mouth movements when someone isfaking emotions (like happy, surprised, sad, awe, ) instead of thewhole face.A liar will use your words to make answer a question.A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a...
你是不是在为自己是“月光族”而犯愁呢?1、Make a reasonable plan for saving  建立一个“只存不取”的bank account,每月固定从你的wage card上取出一笔不会影响你日常生活需要的钱,可能仅仅是一次买零食的钱,或者一次旅游的钱,但是当你开始这么做的时候,你已经不再是月光族。当你需要一个大件物品时,请建立一个相关account,例如“c...
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