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盘点电影中的十佳“兄弟连”(图)影视英语:盘点电影中的十佳“兄弟连”(图)Harold and Kumar, A Very Harold &Kumar 3D Christmas。《猪头逛大街3》中的Harold与 Kumar。约翰·赵在电影中饰演一个在投资银行当小职员的美籍韩国人Harold,而卡尔·潘则饰演他的好友,乐天派,却必须得成为一位医生的印裔美国人Kumar。Sherlock Holme...
福尔摩斯恢复单身 姐姐爆择偶标准(图)“福尔摩斯”恢复单身 姐姐爆其择偶标准(图)《神探夏洛克》全球热映,主演康伯巴奇想要找个女友成家应该不是件难事,可为何短短半年的时间,这位大热“型男”就遭遇两次分手,姐姐爆料称,因为本尼太聪明,太像夏洛克了!康伯巴奇同母异父的姐姐坚称,本尼成家难的原因就在于他太像他所扮演的角色夏洛克...
S05E12:Sheldon让Amy主动投怀送抱(图)S05E12:Sheldon让Amy主动投怀送抱(图)Howard 向 Raj 和 Leonard 谈起他与 Bernadette 之间关于生孩子的矛盾时说,even Donkey Kong had Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong 就是街机和红白机上的经典游戏《金刚》,任天堂在 1981 年推出《金刚》后,次年又推出了《金刚II》,也就是 Howard 所说的 Donkey Kong ...
阿黛尔:我的男朋友不是已婚男!“This is the first and last time I will comment on the details of my relationship with Simon,” Adele wrote. “Contrary to reports and headlines in the press today, Simon is divorced and has been for 4 years. Everyone in our lives separately and together wish us nothing but the best, and...
娱乐快讯:传安吉丽娜-朱莉再次怀孕(图)娱乐快讯:传安吉丽娜-朱莉再次怀孕(图)There’s other benefits to expecting a little one: Pregnancy will force super-skinny Angelina to eat. “Because Angelina sees so much starvation up close, it’s always hard for her to indulge in food,” the source explained. “But when she gets ...
2012金球奖10大获奖明星精彩语录(图)2012金球奖10大获奖明星精彩语录(图)Matt LeBlanc, Episodes 马特-勒布朗凭借《剧集人生》获得音乐/喜剧类最佳系列剧男演员奖。Homeland 《国土安全》获得剧情类最佳系列剧奖。On forever being attached to The Wire:"A lot of people don''t know my name. They know [my Wire character] St...
犀利总结:美剧配角生存攻略(图)犀利总结:美剧配角生存攻略(图)美剧配角求生攻略。Show respect to the leading role.Don''t be fool to take the mission expected to be completed by the leading role, i.e. killing the boss,rescue the leading actress or having sex with her.16. the last one: Keep as much distance as you ...
碧昂丝与丈夫Jay-Z正式成为爸爸妈妈!The singer, whose pregnancy was closely watched and the subject of various rumors, gave birth to a baby girl in New York on Saturday, according to her hometown paper.根据碧昂丝家乡的报纸《休斯顿纪事报》报道:这位怀孕至今一直备受关注并且传言四起的歌手上周六在纽约的一家医院里产下一名女...
PRINCE WILLIAM &KATE.Another royal said "I do" last year when Prince William''s cousin Zara Phillips wed English rugby star Mike Tindall on July 30 at the Canongate Kirk church in Edinburgh, Scotland. "Kate and William''s wedding was amazing but ours will be very different," Phi...
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