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When we first make a complaint the usual response is a request to write a letter: “Can you put that down in writing please?”Let’s first take a look at the advantages of writing a letter of complaint are that:So here are some useful points to consider when writing your letter:What do you expect from your complaint?M...
潮女必会:“必备单品”的英语表达潮女必会:“必备单品”的英语表达。WQ: Hey KAT!WQ: 在outlet啊!WQ: M-u-s-t, must, 是必须的意思,have, h-a-v-e, 拥有,must-have, 必须拥有,就是必备单品喽!WQ: That''s why we are both wearing it!Buy one get one free?WQ: Buy one get one free?Sometimes you can buy one and get one 50%...
2. stand by 支持;例句:But the fact is that the EU does – or perhaps did – stand for something important on the world stage。例句:The supervisor is going away for a week and I have to stand in for her。例句:The football match have to stand over next week for the typhoon storm。例句:A man should stand to his prom...
地道英语:老外如何表达“心”情地道英语:老外如何表达“心”情。2. win one''s heart 获得某人欢心,赢得某人的爱情。You have to contribute your sincere love and learn how to use proper ways to win one''s heart。4. hard-hearted/heart of stone 无情的,心肠硬,铁石心肠。9. heart to heart 诚恳的,诚心的。Love ...
地道英语:看老外如何“闹别扭”地道英语:看老外如何“闹别扭”Loggerhead一词多义。这个习惯用语由来已久,时常以这样的形式出现:be at loggerheads with someone,用来表示和某人发生争端了,跟某人心存怨恨。例句-1:The Lee family has been at loggerheads with their neighbors ever since the neighbors'' dog got into their...
双语:春节讨红包必备贴心话双语:春节讨红包必备贴心话。Best wishes for the year to come!Wishing you and yours a happy new year。Wishing you the best of luck in the new year。Wishing peace and good luck throughout the years。I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future...
with no more understanding of 对某事没有更深了解;what''s got you up?你为啥醒了呢?;living in fear of sb 在对某人的恐惧中生活;draw a syringe full of one''s blood 抽取某人的一管血;that''s nothing 这不算什么;have a firm grasp on sth对某事在行;pick on sb找某人的茬;harp on对某事喋喋不休;know...
WQ, drunk driving is no trivial matter.WQ: Pull over?WQ: 明白了,警察 pull someone over,就是示意司机把车停靠在路边。WQ: To have a tough break 就是倒霉吧?DAN: WQ, I''m sorry you had a tough break, but it''s no excuse for drunk driving.WQ: Designate?WQ: Next time we''ll definitely have a design...
热门英语:如何形容天气寒冷?今天我们来学习一下有关天气寒冷的地道说法吧。It''s a bit nippy today, but I will still run my usual distance.There is a real nip in the air today.It''s brass monkey weather today.Tomorrow is supposed to be mind-numbingly cold.The wind really chills me to the bone. / The wind...
WQ, drunk driving is no trivial matter.WQ: Pull over?WQ: 明白了,警察 pull someone over,就是示意司机把车停靠在路边。WQ: To have a tough break 就是倒霉吧?DAN: WQ, I''m sorry you had a tough break, but it''s no excuse for drunk driving.WQ: Designate?WQ: Next time we''ll definitely have a design...
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