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]英语中“老年人”的委婉说法 英语中“老年人”的委婉说法摘 要:本文介绍了英语中常用的表示“老年人”的委婉语,例如,senior citizen,golden-ager,theelderly等等,分析了它们的具体涵义和用法,并用例证进行了说明。old folk是在非正式场合下使用的“老年人”委婉语,尤其用于伤感的场合,同theelderly一样,它也是把老年人作为一个群体...
Sticky wicket来自风行英国的板球比赛。Rock是石头,between a rock and a hard place这个习惯用语的出典不详。例句-3:This is a tough one. My supervisor and our big boss don''t like each other. One will tell me to do one thing and the other comes along two hours later and tells me to do the opposite. I tell you, thi...
中西对比:藏在色彩词中的文化秘密中西对比:藏在色彩词中的文化秘密。汉语中有赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,而在英语中则有red(红)、white(白)、black(黑)、green(绿)、yellow(黄)、blue(蓝)、purple(紫)、gray(灰)、brown(棕)。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑), blue films(黄色电影)等...
地道英语:看老外如何“拐弯抹角”地道英语:看老外如何“拐弯抹角”“He is a bicycle doctor. ” 此句不能译作:"他是个骑单车的医生", 因句中的doctor是委婉语(euphemism),是某种职业的美称,故不作"医生"解,而是表示repair man的涵义,因此应翻译为"他是个自行车修理工"。的语义就相当于You can find bad ...
春运英语:铁路列车实现网上售票春运英语:铁路列车实现网上售票。C字头城际 inter-city trains.城际高铁 intercity high-speed rail.D字头动车 high-speed trains/bullet train.G字头高铁 high-speed rails。K字头快速 fast trains.T字头特快 express trains.Z字头直达 non-stop trains.轻轨列车 light rail train.高姐 high-speed train atte...
中英对照:春节巧说英文吉利话中英对照:春节巧说英文吉利话。百年琴瑟 married couple for a hundred years.百年偕老 (of a married couple) to stick to each other for a hundred years.美满良缘 a happy and wonderful marriage.美满良缘 A happy and wonderful marriage.凤凰于飞 a couple of phoenixes on the wing-happy marriage.琴瑟和...
新闻热词:和老外聊“春运”必备英文新闻热词:和老外聊“春运”必备英文。春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period.客运列车 passenger train.The volume of passenger traffic reaches its climax before and after the Spring Festival。Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and mig...
LH: A catch是指某件好事的附带条件?LL: You''ll only give me one grand?!LH: One grand...是一千块钱的意思吗?LH: 那我就可以把五千块钱说成5,000grands咯?LL: No, no, no. "Grand" replaces "thousand dollars", so you would say five grand.因为grand已经是复数了, 所以要说five grand而不是five grands,...
地道英语:看老外如何“招摇撞骗”地道英语:看老外如何“招摇撞骗”今天要接下来讲包括four, five, six几个数词的习惯用语。比方说,我们在玩四张明牌一张暗牌的扑克游戏,每人发到五张牌,四张牌面往上摊在桌上,大家都能看到。这一手四张同花、一张落单的牌就是four flush, 而拿这手牌来唬人的人就是four flusher。3. deep six 置之不理。De...
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