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8大省钱美容小贴士双语:美丽没负担8大省钱美容小贴士。There are several heated lash curlers on the market right now, but you can save yourself a few bucks by heating up your own lash curler with a blow dryer.市场上有几种带加热功能的睫毛夹,但其实你可以不花冤枉钱,自己动手加热睫毛夹。Although a smudge applicator is helpf...
When we say flesh, we’re not talking about the color most brands call ‘nude’ but instead the actual range of flesh toned colors. Naturally occurring skin colors accent each other perfect no matter your skin tone. Try pairing bone eye shadow with a deep cocoa liner or a beige lipstick with warm bronzed cheeks. When ...
女人怎么穿最好看最性感?男人喜欢女人穿T恤衫搭配紧身牛仔裤的样子。“A different or unique outfit reflects a confident woman who is sure of herself,” says Andrew Schrage, Editor of the Money Crashers personal finance blog. “Even if it''s not the most physically attractive outfit, the thought behind it can be m...
Copy the number before you buy.That’s the message from the number-copying clan。The only difference is that they don''t buy those clothes they like - only later: after copying the crucial information, they buy them from online stores where the same items are often much cheaper。Shop assistants may be annoyed ...
In the study, funded by Procter &Gamble, scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston University and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute asked participants to rate various looks in terms of competence, likeability, attractiveness and trustworthiness。''The women were judged as ...
Whether you are trying to impress that special someone on your first date, or you''re just trying to look (and smell) more pleasant when you leave for the office or the local pub, proper grooming is crucial for making a good impression.Trim nose hairs. 修剪你的鼻毛。Ear hairs, ear wax, dry skin and build-up in...
先将衣服熨一下,以确保它们在放进行李箱前没有褶皱。如果你有很多衣服,尽量带两个行李箱,以避免将所有衣服都塞到一个行李箱里。将不太容易起皱的衣服或较重的物品(鞋、容器等)放在行李箱的底部,这样就不会压到比较容易起皱的衣服。将这些用塑料袋包住的物品放在行李箱的各个袋子中,而不要放在你的衣服上。Layer clothing with plastic or ...
细数世界上的顶级奢侈品牌细数世界上的顶级奢侈品牌 (2009-09-18 10:40:46)Lotos,全球最贵的眼镜供应商,品牌创始于一八七二年,产品包括手表、眼镜和珠宝等。Armani,意大利品牌,最优雅的高级腐蚀,品牌创立于一九七五年,产品包括成衣、香水、珠宝、手表、化妆品、家居装饰等。Chanel,世界顶级女装,一九一三年创立于法国巴黎,产品包括女...
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