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精美英文欣赏:孤独人生Solitude精美英文欣赏:孤独人生Solitude.人生孤独的妙处——那是一种离群索居而又心灵博大的孤独!Solitude --Ella Wheeler Wilcox.Be glad, and your friends are many;There are none to decline your nectared wine,Feast, and your halls are crowded;
超级妈妈更容易得抑郁症超级妈妈更容易得抑郁症Depression danger of the supermums who try and do everything themselves[ 2011-08-24 08:30 ]一项涵盖了几百位女性的研究发现,那些事事亲力亲为的上班族妈妈相比其他不勉强自己做超人的妈妈,更容易得抑郁症。不过,她强调说,总体而言,职业女性(包括超级妈妈在内)相比那些待在家中的全职...
牛津英语词典进入Facebook时代牛津英语词典进入Facebook时代Sexting, retweet, mankini and cyberbullying propel Oxford English Dictionary into the Facebook age[ 2011-08-22 08:43 ]新世纪的这版词典还附上了1911年版的词典,这说明在英国人看来,neon(霓虹灯)、petticoat(衬裙)和"伤风败俗的舞蹈"the Cancan(康康舞)这些...
英企业质疑毕业生文凭 称求职者素质差英企业质疑毕业生文凭 称求职者素质差Bosses condemn ''useless'' degrees which leave graduates unemployable because they lack basic skills[ 2011-08-19 08:36 ]Millions of school leavers and graduates with ''fairly useless'' degrees are unemployable because...
研究:每多看1小时电视减寿22分钟。But they said: ''While we used Australian data, the effects in other industrialised and developing countries are likely to be comparable, given the typically large amounts of time spent watching TV and similarities in disease patterns.'' In the UK, the average amount of...
欧洲调查:英国人干得最多 休假最少。欧洲调查:英国人干得最多 休假最少English are ''hardest working nation in Europe'' and take the fewest paid and public holidays [ 2011-08-17 08:39 ]If you''re feeling over-worked and in desperate need of a holiday you''re not alone - the English are the...
研究发现富人更自私。研究发现富人更自私Why the rich ''are such a selfish, less empathetic and less altruistic lot'' [ 2011-08-16 08:50 ]According to psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner the rich are usually self-obsessed and only worried about their own well being.Keltner said they were '...
英国母亲比拼育儿经验压力大英国母亲比拼育儿经验压力大How 90 percent of mothers judge other parents on how they raise their children[ 2011-08-15 08:47 ]在五分之一的妈妈们眼中,不愿用母乳喂养宝宝的妈妈不是好妈妈,而那些母乳喂养期太长的妈妈也会被43%的妈妈认为不称职。37%的妈妈说,如果一个孩子太胖,或是一个妈妈允许孩子吃垃...
施瓦辛格穿印字T恤 自嘲从妻子手中逃生。施瓦辛格穿印字T恤 自嘲从妻子手中逃生Arnold Schwarzenegger wears T-shirt saying ''I survived Maria'' [ 2011-08-12 10:21 ]He has taken on cyborgs, Martians and Danny DeVito, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially "survived Maria".He has taken on cyborgs,M...
意考古学家:马克?波罗可能是个骗子。意考古学家:马克 波罗可能是个骗子Marco Polo ''never reached China'' and picked up tales of the Orient from others, Italians claim [ 2011-08-11 08:45 ]书中详细讲述了他和蒙古统治者忽必烈的交情,忽必烈后来成为了中国的一代帝王。怀疑者们告诉意大利历史杂志《聚焦历史》说,马...
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