航宝11 IP属地:广东

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生物燃料精炼和性能2 生物燃料精炼和性能第1章能源及其生物资源1.1能源(昨天,今天,明天)今天的能源概念,需要修改,应作为综合管理为导向的方法。在发展中国家的能源管理主要取决于三分母:(1)人口增长率(2)能源自力更生的大小,但人口增长率最低(3)农村人口规模最大的,但能源消耗率最低在大多数国家,新...
自制简易太阳能热水器详细流程。目前市售太阳能热水器的种类和品牌很多,质量也很好,但价格太贵,动辄几千元,要使广大城镇和农村居民普遍用上太阳能热水器仍然是可望而不可及的事情。3.桶盖保温层 用蛇皮袋或旧床单等旧布料缝一直径75—80cm的圆形袋子,内装适量木糠,先盖上保温桶内桶的小盖,再在其上摆放若干木(竹)条,然后放上装有木糠...
There is a large (1") diameter hole in the top. We put that in the tower, then we put the bronze bushing (a thrust bearing, a steel washer, or plastic bushing is also fine) over that. Then we run the wire through all that and put the machine over the top. Thats how the same assembly shown above looks when its in ...
We should get them very tight, and the goal is to move only the top nut (the one with the lock washer under it) and not the bottom one, so that we are sure to have 7/8" of allthread behind the back nut. Then we can remove the hub from the top and the 4 nuts that held it there.Carefully lower the back magnet rotor...
The safe way to place the rest of the magnets is as follows: Hold the magnet rotor down firmly to the work bench with one hand which should be placed over the magnet that''s next to the one you''re about to place.Then we can go around each magnet rotor and the test magnet should attract one magnet, rep...
Put the coils in carefully, poke at them so resin runs all around the coils and airbubbles come up. Then fill the mold with resin and be sure all surfaces of the coils have resin on them. Put the remaining fiberglass ring over the top of the coils and work resin into it - again, it should almost disappear. Pour the re...
Drill a 7/16" diameter hole all the way through the center of the mold. We''ll be tapping this hole for the threaded rod - since it''s wood you could use a smaller drill bit, the tap will cut wood easily. Tap the hole 1/2" - 13 tpi. Put a bit of epoxy on the threads of the threaded rod.
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